The final pieces

Magic? Eh? I got stabbed with a magic imbued object? But I didn't feel anything like magic or the sort...what does getting stabbed by an enchanted sword supposed to feel like?

Manbun looks at my twig sized arm that had a deep stab wound just minutes earlier,"It seems you can repel magic." T_T it because I'm not from this world? Y'know, that lame excuse mc's with that cheat ability use. Well, at least I actually have a cheat now. I probably shouldn't complain.

"This...I need to investigate some tests...*mumble mumble*" Magi-kun zones into his own thought process. With a half determined, half excited looking expression, he scoops me out of the air and run back to the lab with his short little legs.

Before he's completely out of sight, I turned to wave goodbye at the ignored Manbun.∩^ω^∩ He's not as bad as I thought or at the least he cares about his underlings.




The rest of the afternoon consisted of experiments and tests. I eventually felt too bored to continue and used the excuse of him needing to rest and quickly escaped. I flew to Blaze-kun's room, my temporary residence, and slept with him. He was against it at first, but after about 10 minutes of my shamelessness he was too tired to continue and gave up.

Waking up the next morning, Blaze-kun was already gone. Around this time...he should be training. I should go cheer him on one of these days, but not today. Today were going to hang out with the most challenging person to befriend out of all the ikemen, Cold-kun... and I'll hang out with Nars while I'm at it. I already have a decent rapport with Magi-kun and Blaze-kun, now all I need is Cold-kun and Nars' cooperation. Once I'm buddy-buddy with all of Manbun's underlings, there's no way he can kick me out. My plan is coming along splendidly!

I fly to the main tree to see Nars already asleep. I assume Cold-kun isn't here yet, because he's not on his usual branch. I fly over to the sleeping Nars and tuck myself into his shirt.

I don't technically need sleep can never have enough of it! I follow suit with Nars and fall asleep snuggling between his undershirt and chest.





I awaken with a jab to my face. I open my eyes and glare at whoever though they could mess with me.

(°▽°) Hahaha, mess with me, mess with me all you want.

plz don't kill me (QAQ)