The playboy of playboys

The hand that's holding the sword, pointed at me, starts to tremble out of embarrassment. I hear Nars' harmonious chuckle once more and turn around to look at him.

"Calm down Cold-kun, I was just messing around. You know I would have stopped her if it got to that point, like I did with the others." Nars reasons with Cold-kun, bringing some of his rationale back.

Ah, it seems like Nars is using the nickname I gave to Cold-kun...Well Done! At least someone around here listens to me....

Uhhh, wait, others??? My man, how many times has this happened to you? Nars is such a playboy, girls literally throw themselves at him, a real Casanova. I wonder just how large his fan base is? But... for those fans to try to do something while he's sleeping...I guess they must have been toxic fans...actually, I wouldn't be surprised if his whole fan base were toxic. I mean, with this face and attitude, not to mention his important position as one of Manbun's underlings.

"Umm...were you aware the whole time?" Its come to my attention that Nars might have been awake when I came over and...accidentally fell asleep...

"Hmm? Aware of what?" (^ω^) He looks at me with a smug look on his face.

This sonova... he's acting ignorant, isn't he! Well two can play at that game.

"This." I snuggle even deeper into his chest, hiding my entire body except for my head under his shirt. After doing that, I look at him with a similar smug look.( ^ω^ )

He looks at me with an amused but seemingly calm stare, but I can tell he's trying his best to hold back his laughter. How can I tell, you ask? Have you forgotten I'm on top of his chest? Im basically vibrating from the suppressed laughter in Nars, my vision is super blurry too.

Once his suppressed laughter dies down, he looks at me with sparkling eyes. I immediately feel imaginary goosebumps rising all over my body. He's like a very handsome villain with very villainous intentions. *shiver* I don't know what he's planning and I don't want to find out. Imma ignore him for now, maybe he won't bother with whatever he's planning if I ignore him.

I turn my focus to the unattended Cold-kun who seems to be trying to hold himself back. I can see thick blue veins popping out of his forehead and clenched knuckles. Oh boy, I really did it this time. Good thing he has enough self-restraint to wait politely for out convocation to end before killing me.

Everything's just a mess at this point. What's the phrase? Stuck between a hard place and a wall? But instead of a hard place and wall, it's a venomous snake and a golden-haired tiger. There's no way I'm escaping this without a scratch, so...with whom do I have a chance at surviving?

Goodbye cruel world! Parting is such sweet sorrow! Hmm, I think those are the only phrases I remember...oh! I'll be back!