Important mission

With the soldiers lined neatly in rows, awaiting the commanders orders, Blaze-kun speaks,"Groups one, two, and three: Southwest. Groups four, five, six: West. Groups seven, eight, nine: Northwest." He presses a couple of buttons on the watch he's wearing and a 3-d projection of a map is displayed, he draws a line through the middle,"You'll be covering this area, the search must be through, don't ignore a single area!"

"YES SIR!" The soldiers announce in unison.

Blaze-kun fiddles with the watch again and a 3-d picture of the flag I described pops up,"Next, this is what you'll be looking for, the moment you find it, take it and report back immediately! DISMISSED." Blaze-kun's firm resolution leaves no room for questions. The large amount of solders disperses swiftly.

Blaze-kun then turns to me, his aura softening,"I'm sorry, this is all I can do..."

His droopy ears and tail squeeze my heart,"No, this is more than enough. Thank you." I face him with eyes full of gratitude.

He looks into my eyes and smiles softly, relaxing his previously stiff posture.

I fly up high enough to see the dots of soldiers spreading in all direction. This will really speed up the process of finding the flag, but is it enough...

I fly back down to talk to Blaze-kun,"Do you have and communication devices?"

"Yeah, why?" He pulls out two items that look similar to walkie-talkies.

I take the walk-in that's about the same size as me and strap it to my back,"I'm going to look for it too, call me if your soldiers find it."

"But my soldiers are already looking for it, cant you stay here?"

I look at his genuinely confused expression. Ah, I guess from a commander's perspective, they would never even think of going to the front lines with the rest of the soldiers. Someone needs to be in charge to command them, otherwise it'll be complete chaos. But, an army doesn't need two commanders.

"One more person couldn't hurt, hold down the fort while I'm gone." I give him a reassuring smile before flying off.