
After following Manbun to his house, we arrive to see his guards in shreds...literal shreds. I gag at the sight, turning away so I don't have to look at the pile of meat any longer, but that doesn't get rid of the heavy metallic smell that invades my nose, making my eyes water.

Pulling myself together, I glance at Manbun who seems unfazed, if not for his scrunched eyebrows. Picking up his pace, Manbun enters his house with taut muscles.

Looking at the messy room, there doesn't seem to be anyone in it. But there is something weird, the walls and bed have claw marks, like an animal slashed them. Before I could observe any longer, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a pair of golden eyes hiding in the darkness.

Before I could warn Manbun, a golden blur pounced at him, attacking him head on. It seems Manbun already sensed the presence though, because the moment it moved, Manbun took a defensive stance. Although he was prepared for an attack, Manbun didn't take into consideration his opponent who happened to be a leopard. The leopard with shiny golden fur and dark-as-the-night rosettes dotting it's body swiftly attacked the unprepared Manbun, knocking him down. They start to wrestle on the ground, both making marks on the other. I stand there dazedly, not knowing what to do.

Unaware of their surroundings, the fighting pair move sporadically around the room, trying to gain the upper hand. One of the attacks almost hit me, but I quickly dodged backwards before it did. Unluckily for me, I crashed into the wall behind me, my speed was too fast, and the large momentum slammed me into the wall. I fell to the floor along with the belt that Magi-kun gave me, which came lose at some point.

The walkie-talkie that was given to me by Blaze-kun clunked to the floor. On instinct, I reached for it...