
As if knowing we were talking about him, Cold-kun shows up out of thin air. Nars also notices him and exclaims in a pitiful voice,"Aren't you too cruel, Cold-kun."

Incited by what I assume is the nickname, Cold-kun throws a magic infused dagger at Nars. The dagger sweeps past him as Nars easily dodges it,"Little fairy, isn't Cold-kun being too mean?"

Before I get wrapped in this dangerous situation, I change the subject,"Did you find the flag?"...to an equally dangerous topic.

"Cold-kun placidly stares at me, sees the flag I'm holding, and congratulated me in his own way,"Good job." He pats me on the head...

Am I a dog? ...head pats do feel nice though...

Does this mean I won?

Ah, I ended up not actually knowing where Cold-kun hid the flag,"By the way, where did you end up hiding this flag."

They look at me with confused expression. Ah, I didn't cheat, I swear.




After explaining my revolutionary process, Nars and Cold-kun look at me with surprise and a hint of admiration. Does this mean I've got them on my side? Can I finally beat down that Manbun?

Ah, here's another person that appears when thought of. Manbun walks up to the group. Nars salutes while Cold-kun kneels on one leg, both shouting,"Commander!"

"Continue." He stands to the side silently. Why is he hereeeee?! I can't, this atmosphere is too stiff.

I try to carry on with the conversation, pretending Manbun isn't there,"S-so? The flag?"

"I hid it in the forest on the southwest side." He answers, slightly stiff.

Hmm, I see, I was on the northwest side, so it makes sense that I wasn't able to find it in the area.

"And your flag?" Cold-kun returns the question.

"T-that's..." How am I supposed to answer it when the hiding place is standing next to us?!?!

Before I can think up a fake location, the scary man next to us pipes up, making me jolt,"So this was for a game?" Manbun takes the flag out of his pocket and twirls it between his fingers.

"You...no way" a mixture of surprise and amusement, trying to hold back his laughter, Nars holds a hand over his mouth. Cold-kun just stares at me in silent befuddlement.

Manbun stares at me, an eyebrow raised, his domineering aura slightly suffocating me,"Did you win?"

Eh? What kind of question is that? A trick question? I can't tell and I have no time to think about it so I answer truthfully,"...yes."

His cold aura regressed slightly, looking slightly pleased, he states,"Good, but if you're going to use me as a pawn in your chess game, make me the king next time." He chuckles at himself.

Next time? NEXT TIME?! You think I have the gall to do this AGAIN?!

...wait, I just noticed something. How did he know I put a flag in his pocket...
