
"Waking up" the next morning in a disheveled state, I confirmed all the plans I thought up that night and started to get to work.

Ok...maybe my feeling got the best of me, I got a little to hyped up there. I'm a little embarrassed actually, my words were very chunni.

Of course I do want to have more lifelines on hand for future emergencies, but I'm not planning to be the hero in a transmigration novel, I'm not an all-powerful cheat-like existence, after all. That's why we're starting off small. Small goals.

The next couple of days after the talk with Manbun were spent making my own "cheats", since I was never given any when I came to this world.

(T-T) Yeah, that's right. I'm looking at you Author-san. But I'm thankful for the cheats you did give me.*blows kiss*

(Author: (TT )/=<3 Rebounds into mc's face. )

I "borrowed" Magi-kun's data on all known plants. I ingrained all the information of what they look like. their properties, where they can be found, etc. Then I went out to find them and started splicing. I also continued to "borrow" the belt he gave me and used it to keep the useful or "deemed important" spliced seeds.

This actually took a lot longer than I wanted it too...using the full 24 hours in a day. In this time, I spent most of it outside collecting plants or in the lab studying. Because of this, I rarely saw another human being, most of those "rarelys" being Magi-kun who was too engrossed in his work to notice my presence. But maybe this is a good thing, if someone saw me and informed Manbun, he might come after me and throw me out so I don't get in the way...

I spent a whole month repeating the cycle of study, gather, and splice. It was so monotonous that I though I was going to die. I almost gave up a couple of times, but my resolve to prove to Manbun that I'm not useless and protect my new friends kept me going.

So I kept at it and all was peaceful...for about a month and three days. A message from the enemy was sent to Manbun and the group is currently having a meeting to talk and come to a decision. I secretly joined out of curiosity.