
"That's...I somehow understood the language, but I don't know why..."

Manbun's brows wrinkle at my answer and he hums in an thinking tone. After a couple of seconds he sighs and continues," Your answer is half-right. What both sides agreed to was a war. The reason everyone is so busy is because they are preparing for the upcoming war in a few months, though technically it's already started."

"...what." My mind is blank.

Manbun looks me in the eyes with a seriousness that scares me slightly,"We're at war... But this has nothing to do with you. If you want to survive, leaving now is your best chance. Don't mention your parting to my men, it might weaken their moral for the upcoming battle." Manbun resumes working on the stacks of paper piled on his desk.

Shocked silent at the idea of war and slightly disheartened at the words Manbun spoke, I left without saying another word.

With a face like I lost my soul, I go back to Blaze-kun's residence to think. It's already evening and even though his schedule has been disrupted, Blaze-kun should be back soon...is what I thought, but he never showed up...to his own room. It make me, a guest, feel a little out of place. But I ignore the feeling and soon fall deeply into my own thoughts.

After the whole fiasco that supposed happened a whole month ago, I didnt have time to process all that new information before shutting down and falling asleep and I was just given a whole new info dump to process.

War...I've never thought about it. I didn't think I needed to. Coming from a peaceful era, the only time I've had to think about war was history class and animes set in a feudal time period. The though of any one of these ikemen dying...

After spending so much time here, getting to know these lovable ikemen, befriending them, and gaining their trust, I naively assumed I was part of the team...it seems I've assumed incorrectly...haha...HAHAHA! You think you can get rid of me that easily! NO WAY!! Ha...haha...hick...sniffle...ah, this is so embarrassing.

Now that I actually had time to think, I began to realize just how useless I am... Magic immunity is an awesome cheat...but that only helps me protect myself. I couldn't even heal that leopard boy's wounds. I...at least if I spliced with some kind medicine plant or something, I could of healed him a little, but...I've spent all of my time in this world thinking about myself. My boredom, my interests, my benefits, my meaningless goal of retaliating against Manbun by befriending his subordinates... Everything that I've done in this world has been for myself or was something I did on a whim...ha, how selfish is that.

I...I need to fix this. I want to be able to help and protect my new friends. I want power, not for myself, but to support those around. Starting now, I'll work hard to achieve those goals *sniffle*