World Info

A couple more weeks pass until it's time to take action. Currently, Manbun, Nars, and Blaze-Kun are commanding their individual armys, walking South if the base. Half of Cold-kun's men have already went ahead and the other half of Cold-kun's soldiers along with some men from each army have stayed back to protect the base. Magi-kun is also staying at the base, but his subordinates have come along to set up transporters, bombs, and other technical devices.

I managed to sneak out of the base and started follow the army. I'm currently hiding in one of the supply carts, listening in on one of the soldiers conversations. They are talking about the information they were given by the higher ups: where they are going, how long it will take, how to fight the enemy, etc.

I commit all of this information to memory and collect more over the course of the trip. Regarding how militaries and wars work in this world, I've learn quite a bit.

Putting all the pieces together, I've understood that just like in my past life, land was split into different countries, but in this world they have around 8-10 countries per continent and only 3 continents. Each continent retains different relations between countries.

The Ethos continent, the birthplace of talented people. It helps that those people are well cultivated by the highly educated teachers and open-minded school system. As long as you had talent for something, you could study it. Any profession you can think of, they'll have a school for it. Professions in brain smarts, street smart, physical strength, strategy, knowledge, as long as you had an aptitude for it, they could cultivate you into a genius. This, however, led most people in the continent to become extremely arrogant. Thankfully, they also gained a strong sense of justice and respect for those stronger than them. This strong moral belief system was made into the laws of the continent. Knowledge and usefulness are seen as most important. The stronger you are, the more respect you'll be treated with. Teacher are treated with the ultimate respect and there are strict rules regarding attitudes towards people more powerful than you. The stronger one is, the more influence and power they have. They can basically do whatever they want as long as there are acceptable reasons behind it and it doesn't negatively impact people that aren't involved. Citizens of Ethos are high in demand for jobs in other continent. They often immigrate to other continents for better working conditions, because even if they are average in Ethos, they will seem exceptional in other continents. Their standards are on two different levels. People in other continents are willing give them more benefits, that's just how sought after they are in other continents.

The Logos continent are major pacifists, supporting world peace and going on crusades to other countries to create better relations with them. Their well-maintained relations with each other made them a giant trading hub, not only between the countries in Logos but the other continents as well. They hold a monopoly on most goods, making them a rich and prosperous overall. They emphasize neutrality and don't have any major fights or wars, so their architecture tends to be a bit more...fanciful than normal. Their countries all have democracies and their people all have similar mindsets and ethics. Almost everyone has the same status, but some professions and families are treated with more respect, which is basically equivalent to having more power but those people don't flaunt their power in fear of being revolted against.

The Pathos continent...the easiest way to describe it would be by using Darwin's law of survival of the fittest. The strong are respected while the weak are stomped on. Most countries are ruled through dictatorship,

while a couple counties near the border of the other two continents are democracies. The democratic countries are full of capitalistic vultures who will snatch every last cent from you until you can't afford a stick of gum, nice right? The "rulers" of those countries are the big businessmen at the top of the food chain, so although they have a Congress, the people elected are merely puppets. The non-"democratic" countries aren't exactly dictatorships either. Some countries are forcefully ruled by a single person, while some strong individuals form and rule over their own military, taking over part of the land of a country or two. There are a bunch of small ones scattered throughout the continent. They fight for more land and resources with the countries they're in or fight other military bases in hopes of integrating it with their own and expanding their influence. So although I say there's 8-10 countries in the continent, that number is actually constantly changing and is never really accurate. There are also larger, well-known military bases that don't change that much, though sometimes a large scale war occurs, then it's anyone's game. Or, very very rarely, two large militaries will fight, but that almost never happens, because no matter who wins or loses, both sides with face large casualties and lose a lot of power, giving the smaller bases a chance to gang up on the larger ones. People from Ethos are paid top dollar to work as weapon researchers or strategists or even commanders of a country if they're talented enough, but the latter usually only happens if that dictator is lacking talent or is in dire need of manpower. Logos and Pathos have a fairly friendly relationship because of the insurmountable amount of goods they import from Logos. The continent of Pathos is basically a dog eat dog continent.'s the continent we're currently in...