New ikemen. Who Dis?

I slow down and change directions to get a better look of the human-shaped figure. The figure is lying on a tree branch, he doesn't seem to be sleeping...I mean who would sleep on a tree branch, during a war no less.

...don't tell me, is he dead? He can't be, but he doesn't seem to be breathing...his chest isn't moving up and down. Should I get closer... but what if he's fine and I'm just overreacting?

No, stop, I've already resolved to help whoever I can, isn't this the perfect chance to prove myself? I float closer to the man and get a better look at him. Broad but not muscular, lean but not thin, though this is just my hypothesis based on experience, I can't actually see much because of the loose material on his body. It looks exactly like a kimono but the only layer of fabric isn't something I've seen before. Thick but not stiff, the fabric flows with the slightest touch of wind. The dark blue material with a white textile pattern flows freely down his arms and legs, covering them up and only his white chest is shown. I would tell you about his face but it's current blocked by...a fedora. Yes you heard me correctly, a dark blue fedora paired with a kimono. I want to say the two don't fit together but for some reason it looks very well matched on the man's body, like it was made to be worn by him.

Woah, let's not get too distracted, we shouldn't be admiring someone's fashion sense if that someone is on the verge of dying. Realizing I'm wasting time, I close in on his neck, taking to fingers to try to pinpoint a heartbeat. Then I realized how stupid I'm being. My hand is the size of a skittle, sigh I miss skittles, it would take way to long to find a heartbeat on his neck, so the next best think is wherever is closest to the heart, in other words...his chest.

But before moving down, I glide my hand against the smooth pale skin once last soft. Finished with that, I sit on his breast and lean my ear against it, letting my body lay on him.

*thump thump* *thump thump*

Phew, he's alive...but then what's wrong with him? Is he injured? Unconscious? Well, at least it's not life threatening, so I can relax a little. Should I...inspect his body for wounds? Ah! My motives are completely pure of course!