He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake

Love it? It's not even that creative of a name? "You...like the name Leopard?"

"Yeah! I've never heard of that name before. So it's a unique name just for me!"

...Am I going crazy or do leopards not exist in this world...ohhhh, Wait I think I get it. In this kind of war torn continent, what kind of animals would be able to survive?

After a couple more questions, they leave to let me rest. Theres only one problem with this arrangement. I CANT SLEEP. Not in this body at least, but I didn't tell them yet because I didn't want to worry Leopard for no reason.

So here I am, eyes open, staring at the ceiling of the tent in a dark room while every else is sleeping. I try to restrain my boredom but after a couple of hours it finally wins.

I used to be able to go days and nights just staring at a wall in my main body until one of the ikemen dropped by, but I guess I got used to being busy, because I think I would go crazy if I had to stay in one spot for that long.

I start trying to move my body to get off the bed, but every slight movement will cause a shot of pain to spread through my entire body. I eventually manage to get out from under the blanket that was on top of me. I look down at my body to see that my external wounds have healed slightly.

Good, good, but I don't know how long it's going to take to heal my internal injuries and I'm not sure how long I'll be able to deal with this pain without going crazy.

I would try to move out of bed but honestly, I've already pushed myself to the limit. I feel extremely exhausted, physically and mentally, but I can't fall asleep, this is literal torture. I lay in the darkness, listening to my heavy panting amount the silence.

"You're never gonna heal like that, or maybe it wouldn't matter anyhow, seeing as you're a tree and all." A voice suddenly fills up the silence. I flinch in surprise as I look around the room. In a corner I notice a pair of peach blossom eyes. The light blue eyes stare at me lazily before coming closer.

"They told you about the tree thing?" I try to fill some of the silence that returned after Fedora-San finished talking.

"So, what's my nickname." He ignores my question , lying down on the other side of the bed and yawning.

"...Fedora-San." I mumble.

"Ha! Creative, aren't we?" He chuckles while fixing his posture to a more comfortable position. I can tell he's mocking me. Although his lazy expression remains on his face, I can spot a mocking smirk in his lips.

I pout, not answering his redundant question.

Having not thought about it before, I ask," Why were you in here?"

"Bodyguard." He answers without any further explanation.

"Why do I need a bodyguard?"


...Oh, you mean like the main job of a bodyguard? YEAH, I got that part. I want to know "Why?"

He looks at me like I'm an idiot. Sighing, he explains,"You, an enemy, has trapped everyone in here with your vines, and most of the soldiers know what happened to the last guys, their friends and comrades, that got trapped and taken as hostages."

That memory still angers me whenever I recall it," I had nothing to do with that decision." I say seriously, looking directly into his light blue eyes.

"Good to know, they don't care. All they care about is that fact that their people were burned alive by your people." He returns my stare.

I stay silent for a couple of seconds not knowing how to counter. I grit my teeth and continue my silence, head hung low. I softly mumble to myself,"I never would of let that happen if I knew."