
Pain shoots through my entire body as I slowly open my eyes. A loud voice causes me to wince,"Oh Oh! Master! Little Fly is awake!"

Oh, I know exactly who that is. My eyes slowly adjust to the light as I look at my surroundings. I seem to be on the bed Leopard was laying in when I gave him that medicine a while back. I watch a tan child pull a black haired man over. Kuro's black eyes stare at me in contemplation before spitting out,"...thank you." "For what?" I barely speak out, my voice sounding as dry as the Sahara desert. Leopard listens to my grainy voice and runs off somewhere.

"...for taking the hit with that magic bullet." A very faint blush covers his milk chocolate skin.

Oh so it really was a bullet, interesting. I decide to say," No problem," not knowing how to respond to his awkward gratitude. Silence prevail for a few moments before Leopard returns with a toothpaste cap-sized cup filled with water. I gladly receive it to quench my thirst before meeting eyes with a worried Leopard,"How are you feeling?" Golden cat eyes stare at me.

" to say, everything hurts." Blunt....

Leopard's expression becomes crest-fallen and I feel a little guilty for causing it. Trying to remedy his expression, pain shoots through my body at every awkward laugh as I comfort him," Haha..ha, I was could a tree feel pain anyhow." I try to shrug the pain off.

Leopard's expression turns into a confused one, I guess that better than nothing. "Tree?" He repeats.

Oh yeah...they don't know I'm a tree do to explain... "'s kinda like this. My real body is a pretty tree with red, giant, four leaf clover leaves. I'm about 200~250 feet tall with smooth bark and pink pollen! This body is something that Magi-kun helped me create!" I smile with pride thinking about cool my main body is, missing it just slightly. Hmm, when I got tired last time, all I needed was a nap in my main tree to fix me up. So maybe the main tree can also heal my injuries?

Leopard's next question brings me back to focus,"Magi-kun?"

"Ah! Yeah, little green-haired guy. About the same size as you, probably smaller. Works at the lab in Manbun's base."

"Ohhh that guy? Why do you call him-"

Before Leopard can finish, Kuro cuts in," Wait 'Manbun'? You mean-Pffh" He puts a hand over his mouth to cover his laughter.

My attention returns to Leopard when he starts to frown, mumbling,"no fair, I want a nickname too..."

I tilt my head,"Hm? But I already gave you both nicknames?"

Leopard swiftly moves his face closer excitedly. With glittering eyes filled with childishness, he says,"Eh?! Really!? What's mine?"

I hesitate, thinking how uncreative his is...well, if he hates it, he hates it,"Yours is Leopard," I point to the black-haired ikemen who's subdued his laughter,"His is Kuro."

Leopard's smile widens,"I Love It!"