War, What is it good for

Everything seems frozen in time. There's less than a millisecond before one of the hidden men of Kuro's side jumps out to attack one of Manbun's men and a keen man of Manbun's side attacks a hidden enemy. This situation is occurring in multiple places but I'm frozen in time.

I...I can't think, I can't do anything, I can't will my body to move. Sure I made all these preparations and plans in my head, but the situation in front of my eyes...the screams of pain, the strong rusty smell, the dark red liquid fly everywhere and splattering on everything...I-I don't think I can handle this.

War... endless fighting, meanless deaths, I don't, I can't understand it, how are these people killing so easily, so ruthlessly.

I watch as the three ikemen I've hung around and grown attached to mercilessly slaughter the people in front of them, their enemies blood staining their faces and clothes.

"You don't understand the consequences to being part of the group. It bloodies your hands, your soul..." I remember the word of Manbun when we were alone in the labyrinth. Is this what he's talking about? ...because yeah, I don't think I can do this. And I won't. I don't have to! I can do this my own way, contribute in my own way!

With newfound determination, I fly down into the battlefield. I zip around the clashing of swords and dead bodies while activating my traps. A cage made out of vines ensnares an enemy and I repeat this with anyone I see. The traps are basically modified from the vine cage that I used for the boar, just larger and sturdier.

Not leaving either side out, I throw my handmade sleep-bombs at Manbun's men, this way they can neither be hurt nor hurt others. It's a win-win!

I fly around the river throwing homemade sleep-bombs and activating traps, cutting down a sizable amount from both armies. But I was definitely preferential(scared) and didn't go near Manbun, Nars, or Blaze-kun, so a large amount of of their men were still able-bodied.

Realizing he was at a disadvantage, Kuro called for a retreat. Manbun's army was about to chase after them when Manbun also called for a retreat, telling those able-bodied men to carry their sleeping companions and war prisoners back to the base.

I also decide to go back to my base(garden) and lie low for a while to hide from Manbun.