Blackmail? Blackmail.

"Hnn..." He answers in a questioning but agreeing tone, his peach blossom eyes showing a minuscule amount of amusement.

It seems like he's excepted my excuse, so now if you'll excuse me, I want to escape before I accidentally say something that blows my cover. "Well since you're fine-" The second I take a step forward to push myself into the air, he restricts my movements with one finger on my stomach and the other on my back. I'm trapped.

I try to wriggle my way out, but although he's not using to much strength, I can tell he could put just a little more force and squeeze me to death if he wanted to. Panicking, I hear his lazy monotone voice," Ya'know, I'm not supposed to let enemy spies go..."

"Eh?!" Σ(゚д゚lll)Enemy spy?

"Buuuut, I could let ya go in exchange fo-"

"What! What? I'll do anything! Just name it!" The panic is starting to really get to me.

A quick flash of surprise hits his face before just as quickly returning to his normal lazy appearance,"Hmm...anything? Then..." He gives me a long pause. Was I too willing? What if he wants me to betray or hurt Manbun and the gang? "Food."

... Eh? "Eh?" I can't think of anything else to say.

"Food. I'm hungry." He explains.

Oh...I can to that. That's simple!

"Hmm, I'm feeling pork." He adds on.

Eh...pork? As in meat? As in an animal? Where am I supposed to get pork from? Plants I can do, animals not so much...but, I not in the most favorable position to turn him down... ok, ok it's fine, I'll just have to figure it out along the way. "...ok."

"Mm, good." He releases me,"I want it in half an hour."

Sheesh, this guy is really pushing it. Fine, I don't even need that much time, your underestimating me and I'll prove it! "Un." Once he let's go I quickly fly away. Turning back, I see that his eyes are close once again, not caring if I escape or not.

Well, anyways, before I start the food, I still want to head towards Leopard's tent to heal him. Making my way to the tent, I peek through to see a sleeping boy, curled up in a ball. His quiet, even breathing creates a peaceful atmosphere. Sneaking inside, I place the medicine on a table to his left. I would put it on him myself, but I don't want to wake him, I don't know if he's a light or heavy sleeper.

I start to leave but stop before the exit. What if he doesn't trust the medicine or thinks it's poison and doesn't use it, wouldn't all my work be in vain? I'm the slightly large chance that that happens, I'll take my chances and apply the medicine myself.