Dream Sequence

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Ah, a familiar face! How have you been, you weird purple sparrow that keeps appearing in my dreams. I'm still not quite sure what this place is or how it works. Is this really a dream? My dreams in my old world were way more interesting.

I look down at the chirping bird. "Really...what are you?" It looks like a normal bird, but the more time I spend with it, the more it's black orbs make me feel uneasy. Maybe it's the lack of light reflection in them? I always attributed it to the impractical void we are standing in. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

I poke the tip of its beak,"So how ya been? Good? Good." I have a conversation by myself, basically waiting for time to pass by, until I finally regain all of my energy and can leave the dream.

I stare at the odd bird,"There's no way I can really help him, ok? I'm not some fairytale protagonist that can save the world through words." I lock eyes with the nonjudgemental bird. "I really can't...I can't...but I want to, sigh." I collapse to the ground.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't grown attached to everyone at the battlefield. Leopard, Hypocrite, Kuro, and Fedora. They're nice to be around, just like Magi-Kun, Blaze-kun, Nars, Cold-kun, and Manbun were and look what happened there. It's not that I dislike them...I just can't sympathize with what they're trying to do.

War...I guess it's because I'm from a nonaggressive world, or at least it was when I was living on it. All war does is take. It takes from the citizen and it takes from the land. Destruction at its finest...

...It takes people's lives as well. Chair guy. I can tell both side truly cared about him. Both sides are also telling a different story. Who to believe? I'm not sure... "Maybe it's better to not make a decision at all."

That's been my plan since the beginning anyways. Once I've fixed this mess with the vine wall, I'll leave for good. Ill probably feel bad for not saying goodbye, but I've never been good at those. Well...confrontation in general. Especially in the older world, though I seem to have gotten better ever since I arrived here.

"Hmm...I guess it's a work in progress? What do you think?" I reach out to pat the sparrow but the sight before my eyes becomes blurry. I guess it's time to go. "Bye-bye mister bird..."

A deep voice chuckles right before I completely lose consciousness. Who was that?