A talk with Magi-kun part 3

He eventually buckles under the guilt. Magi stares at the floor as he reminisces,"We used to have another person here, one we trusted and depended on, even the commander...We all thought he was loyal till the very end..." He pauses. "They still believe that...only I know the truth." He bites his lip.

This...he's talking about...,"He was a spy, right?" I recall the conversation I had with Hypocrite-kun.

Magi-Kun looks up in surprise,"You know?"

"Only a little." Iie. "Why didn't you tell the others?"

"Ha...and let his memory be blackened?" Magi-kun gives me a sad smile.

"...So what happened to him?"

It takes a moment before he speaks," He...was actually the one that told me he was a spy. He confided in me, telling how holding together this giant lie is breaking him from the inside. I didn't know what do to. I didn't comfort him, I felt to betrayed, but I didn't tell the others. Maybe that's why he told me, he knew I wouldn't tell anyone. He knew me too well...all of us too well." Magi closed his eyes," During one of the battles, he took a bullet for the leader and died. His last words were to me...he...he said he was sorry for burdening me with this truth...he said it was okay to tell everyone else about it so they could forget about him." Tears starting to run down Magi's cheeks. "How...there's no way I could do that to him." Magi tried to keep his voice steady but it couldn't help but fluctuate between sniffles.

I give Magi a couple minute to regain himself. I see..."Mmm, and that's why you couldn't trust me."

He quickly remarks,"Its not as if I didn't want to, I just..." He doesn't know how to continue.

I can tell the betrayal traumatized him. It gave him the trust issues he's currently trying to deal with. I get it. "It's fine." I say in a soothing, soft voice.

He looks at me pitifully, blood starting to run down the bitten lip. I force my body to move and wipe off the blood-tear mixture on his child-like face,"It's fine."I repeat myself while calmly looking in his eyes. It really is fine, I don't blame him for anything that's happened.


"You're right. I don't get it. I just can't see the need for all these pointless battles and death, the pain it brings. ...If you want my honest opinion, these wars aren't a human thing, it's this continent. All you know is war, it's the environment you've grown up in. You've become desensitized to your situation."

"And you're not? You snuck off after Manbun right? You saw it too. Did you not get used to it eventually?" He looks at me questioningly.

"No." I answer decisively.