A Way Out

Magi and the interior of the lab is replaced by a jungle and a towering vine wall. It's finally time to end all of this, fix my mistakes and leave. I control my consciousness to move into the vines while I recall everything that's happened.

The slow and monotonous days in the main tree. My first meeting with everyone. The new body Magi gave me. The fun I had with everyone. Then I met Kuro and the others and everything went wrong. The contract was made and the wa-




Leopard and Hypocrite notice my paused movements," What's wrong?"


I fall to my knees in realization and punch the ground in frustration. I'm feel like crying. How stupid can I... I'm such an idiot. I've been so focused on the problem in front of me that I forgot about the other one.

If I take this wall down right now, then what's stopping everyone from resuming the battle. Even if I tell them to stop, they already signed the God's contract. I punch the ground even harder.

Leopard pulls be away from the floor," Hey?! What's wrong??"

"What happened?" Hypocrite frowns.

"The contract..." I mumble.

"What?" They ask in unison.

"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙢𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩!" I turn to them, yelling and taking out my frustration on them,"If I take down the wall, they'll just start fighting again!" I notice I was clawing Leopard's hand without realizing. I pull my hands away, Leopard doesn't mention it.

"So, what. We're just going to leave them in there?" Hypocrite squints his eyes behind his glasses.

"...Fairy...there's nothing we can do about that. The contract has already been signed. The war was going to happen no matter what."

"Au contraire, my little friend. For mere mortals perhaps, but's it's nothing for me." A melodious voice interrupts Leopard.

I turn around to see the magenta sparrow from my dreams. Eh? Am I dreaming?

Leopard growls,"Who're you?! A bird beastkin?"

The bird stares at Leopard in disgust,"Ew, no." He then ignores Leopard and looks at me. "You want the contract to be annulled, yes? There's a way-"

"Please! I'll do anything! Just get rid of the contract!"

He stares at me in silence. His black orbs seem to be saying "how dare you interrupt the magnificent me."

"Like I was saying", before my eyes, that small bird transforms into a male. "Your soul is powerful, powerful enough to exchange for the cancellation of the contract."


"What are you talking about!?!"

The two lose control of their frustrations, while I keep a steady gaze on the man before me. He smirks seeing my composure," Everything in this universe has a give and take relationship. Yes, I can terminate the contract, but I'll needed something equally powerful or potentially destructive to balance out the equilibrium.

"...and that would be my soul." I ask in a mild tone.

"Yep!" He smirks.