Bloodline awakening

All the villagers were running around in panic. Another bestial roar came from the base of a great tree in the middle of the village. The chaos kept increasing with every furious roar that covered the village.

And all this was probably caused by yours truly. I admitted that in hindsight I had made a mistake. Not telling Nerida about the pain brought by the first transformation was not my brightest moment.

Though I was sure there would be worse moments in the future.

But anyway, the mistake was made and I had thoroughly reviewed where I was wrong, the matter was done.

'Fine, I'll apologize to Nerida once it's over.'

Five minutes later it was over. The village was now close to a ghost town and Nerida back to normal. Mentally that is.

Her physique had changed quite a bit. Two long dark horns protruded from her head. Her skin tone had changed into a grey color that resembled a rock. Nerida's height had increased by more than 20 centimeters and her whole body was packed with muscles.

Wanting to test the newfound strength in her body, Nerida rushed over to my neighbor, the acorn tree. I tried to stop her but with her increase in speed, my reaction was just a tad bit slow.

She reached the tree and swung her fist at it. Accompanied by a loud bang and the sound of shattering wood a cavity appeared in the tree's trunk.

But this wasn't enough yet for little Nerida. No, she had to swing her leg and hit the tree squarely next to the crater. This kick caused enough destruction to fell the ancient acorn tree. Ending its ascent to be a great fruit-bearing tree.

Thankfully, Nerida managed to calm herself after seeing the towering tree fall.

"This is the strength of a baron magus! Such a powerful spell. With this, I can-"

'Don't overestimate yourself. You merely hold physical strength comparable to a baron magus. Your spells fall short by a huge margin. From what I can tell, the only thing that you could win against a baron mage is a comparison in defense.'

I knew exactly what Nerida was thinking. If she could exert baron level strength at the knight level, then once she became a baroness maga she might stand a chance against the leader of the verdant serpent clan's leader.

This notion of hers was utterly ludicrous in my opinion. The verdant serpent clan was just like the mountain bull clan named after a beast. It would be very strange if they didn't possess the verdant serpent's bloodline as well.

And while a low-level clan like the mountain bull clan may not know how to use their bloodline, that didn't necessarily mean that the more high-level ones didn't.

'As you are now you wouldn't be able to defeat a baron magus. If you learned some martial arts though, your chances would approve.'

"Martial arts?"

'Self-defense techniques for mages they copied and modified from other civilizations. They should be somewhat similar to how the fighter class does battle.'

"But the fighter class is weak. It's said that a mage will never lose to a fighter of the same class."

'Be that as it may, if you use both battle styles you will emerge victoriously.'

"Maybe another day, I'm tired. Where is everybody?"

'Remember all the screaming you did during the transformation? They kind of got scared and ran away.'

And so began Nerida's exhausting search of her fellow villagers. They hadn't run far and when they heard the explanation they immediately returned.

While Nerida was out searching for the others something strange occurred at the edge of my field of vision. A small blue dragon with feathered wings broke through space. In its mouth was an arrow, the air around it would begin to twist ever so slightly and it gave off a hard to detect spacial fluctuation.

Behind this dragon, space opened up again. But this time it was a clear cut rift. The aura of the lady flying out made me tremble. She was definitely an archmage of high rank if not a deity, making her even more powerful.

She was chasing after the dragon and had reached it in the blink of an eye. But the little reptile swung around his head and used the tip of the arrow to make another gash in space. The dragon had disappeared into the already closed gash, provoking an irritated glare from the lady in blue.

She flicked her wrist and created another rift.

After she had left the rift sealed up and nobody might guess what had just traversed through this world.