Bloodlust (passive)

I'd actually never thought about it. Since the tempest wolf pack had attacked the village I had never seen a living beast again. Occasionally animals but nothing that could bring any harm.

'System is it true that I'm the reason there are no beasts in the vicinity?'

'You said border. Can I control the extent of that border? And how precise can I be?'

Meanwhile, Nerida and the workers were still locked in an argument. And since I was the main reason for this discussion I decided to intervene before Nerida could slap anyone to death. Activating the voice projecting rune my voice boomed, halting their argument.

"ENOUGH! Nerida, stand down, let me handle it. As for you all, I won't force anyone to pray to me."

'Just trust me. I wasn't done speaking yet.'

The workers had already begun to smile at each other. If lord Eldar himself said he wouldn't force them, there was no way Nerida could.

"However, know that if you refuse the prayer, I will not extend my protection to you. You will also not be permitted to approach me."

"Who cares about your protection anyway!"

They began to return to their houses. Aldi and the messenger wanted to return to the inn too but I called them back.

"I believe you should witness the prayer. Then you can inform the next group of workers in advance."

Once they were all gathered around me, my devious little plan began. Using the method the system had imparted me with I retracted the borders of my bloodlust. The only area that remained protected was my immediate vicinity.

The reaction was quite astounding. Not even five minutes passed and the first beasts arrived. Another pack of tempest wolfs. Five of them, running in tight formation, straight at some of the workers who remained outside.

The workers only realized the danger when two of them started screaming from being bitten, probably to death. The others quickly noticed the wolfs and wanted to flee. But they soon heard beast's roars from every direction.

The only place that seemed safe, serene even, was where Nerida and the others were kneeling before me. And, shameless as they were, the workers charged straight over to us.

Now I had clearly stated that they weren't allowed to approach me. Thus I saw little need for a warning.

Leaf-blades rushed through the evening air, blood gushed from open wounds and corpses hit the floor. The ones further away reeled back with indignation. Safety had been so close yet the damnable tree stopped them. Boohoo, life's unfair isn't it? So close yet so far, a choice between death by a thousand cuts or a beast maw.

"Why do you block our way? We are people of this town too. You can't let us die here."

"What does you being part of this town have to do with letting you approach me? This space is reserved for only my followers. I also have no connection with this town. I didn't agree to become its guardian deity. I will only protect those who pray to me."

The workers were enraged but what could they retort to this? They had been told that they wouldn't receive protection if they didn't follow along and they had acknowledged that. Even if they didn't want to acknowledge it now they still couldn't get close without dying.

The messenger was in the safe area too. He wanted to say something to help the workers. He had already opened his mouth when the realization hit him. Fear distorted his face as he thought that he too could die here should he say something stupid. So he hastily shut his mouth covering it with his hands, like the words might escape if he didn't keep them in with his hands.

Meanwhile, the workers' situation became more precarious with every second. The beasts from the forest were getting closer and closer.