Trump card collection

I could think of a few things to quickly raise my strength. Most of these things were from my previous world and would bring great surprise to the people of this world.

I'd never really thought of it before but while the heavenly steel was an exquisite material, I actually had something better. My own body was an unending source of treasures. I had used the fruit as I was accustomed to but the wood I was made of had been forgotten.

My body could take attacks from grand duke level figures and since it was organic its conductivity for magic was vastly superior to heavenly steel.

Using this material I could create some things that would shake the world.

First, I was planning to make some golems. They were one of the essential combat units in higher-level wars. They didn't feel pain or fear and would keep fighting until their main core or rune was destroyed.

The lowest combat golem would be made of ordinary iron while the strong ones were made out of structon, a nearly indestructible metal.

Using my own wood at my current level should allow me to create medial grade combat golems. Their strength would roughly equal a marquis magus although this was largely reliant on their strong defense. Making them in great numbers would sadly be impossible due to my body having only limited materials to give without leaving permanent damage.

Using most of my branches I created 100 such golems, burying them beneath the surface all around me.

Next, I used the leftover wood to create as many weapons as possible and engraved them with magic enchantments. Taking advantage of the high magic conductivity, the weapons I made were all equipped with small abilities.

Some blades could burst into fire, others could freeze all they touched. These blades were then distributed to all my subordinates. While this would not truly raise their own strength it would allow them to fight people above their level.

Then I faced a problem that had bothered me for a while. Whenever someone had a conflict with me they could simply walk here and I would have to deal with them.

I had wanted to keep them out but stopping them with force would only have escalated matters. This reoccurring situation needed a firm but not a bloody solution. My approach, a barrier.

With this, I could keep everyone below grand duke magus out. Setting it up would require time and work which I hadn't been able to get ahold of until now. Right now, I was relatively sure to be left alone by all the big players around me and by the time I reentered their focus, I would already be done.

Raising a barrier required a core, pillars, and a source of energy. The core would naturally be my body and the pillars could be substituted with subordinate trees connected to my roots.

What followed were three weeks of agonizing concentration. I engraved countless runes, set up magic circuits and weaved each part of the barrier with a thread of pure magic. Pure magic didn't have an element and needed to be extracted very carefully, elongating the process of completing the barrier.

However, I must admit, it wasn't all bad. Spending so much time on engraving and extract magic did wonders for my proficiency. I reckoned that if I were to fight my former self, I actually might stand a chance.

Subsequently, I spent another month to install various little tricks and gimmicks. This was all in preparation for the ongoing war, though thankfully I had been left alone so far.

Finally, I proceeded to work on the matter that held by far the most potential to become my absolute ace in the hole. My peculiar existence gave me a deep connection to nature. Thus, I could do things far beyond the idea of what humans believed to be the laws of nature.

Just like my descendants could awaken a consciousness due to my genes, it should be possible for me to awaken consciousness within a normal tree. Admittedly, they couldn't become magic trees but they would be able to both move and use magic. Since ancient times they were known as ents, the guardians of the forests.

Through giving consciousness to the trees around me I could raise an army that would grow stronger at an incredible rate and would feel neither fear nor pain when defending me.

Assured of the limitless potential these servants would posses I began the creation of my first ent. Sending my magic into a random nearby tree I quickly found its spark of life. This was the spark that gave life to this tree, the reason why creating life was so incredibly difficult for many who tried.

I simply needed to touch it with my magic and awaken the spirit inlaid deep within every spark of life. Once this spirit, also called pneuma, was awakened, a consciousness would form practically by itself.

All it required was a slight touch. Reaching the spark of life my magic easily penetrated the outer layer and made contact with the pneuma. Only to be frantically expelled out of the spark of life.

It didn't work? I... failed?