
Back at my home city, come to think of it I don't remember its name, I had another meeting with Völsung. I was informed about the resolution of the undead invasion and the dissolving of the united front. Overall we had reaped considerable benefits from these recent events.

Elemental juice became an incredibly sought after commodity and the rewards I received for taking out all those real and fake king magi were used to further grow the city. I hadn't been away for long but the city had expanded exponentially.

"At first most believers thought you weren't serious about not returning to your place until they did something useful but after a few days they grew scared. Since then they have been working in a frenzy to expand the city, increase trade, and even eliminate poverty."

'They wanted to eliminate poverty? That's a pretty dreamy idea, isn't it?'

"How so? I can proudly say there is not a single poor, homeless, or orphaned soul in this city. Everyone was given work and a place to sleep and orphans were adopted by all who could afford to support them."

'What's driving these people?'

"Remember when you took in Nerida and those orphans and made them your personal guards? When Nerida returned she, as the one who knew you for the longest, was asked how to calm your wrath. She didn't have a real answer but told many stories of the past and the part with the orphans caught people's attention."

'That's good then, the time is right for me to return. But before that, I'd like to meet Nerida and also Sven if he returned.'

"I'm afraid they are both far away at the moment. Nerida left for further training and Sven left to get stronger after hearing about the invasion from another world."

'So the news has already reached you here? I'd been hoping to spend some time with them before I go.'

"Go where?!!!"

'I don't know but I have a feeling that my next evolution may bring some consequences with it. I may be wrong but I can't shake this feeling that something is going to happen.'

"I understand, I'll give them your regards once they return."

'Then, I'll be off'


As I walked out of the governor's mansion I couldn't help but notice a feeling of sadness coming from Völsung. Maybe I wasn't the only one who had the feeling that something was about to happen.

Burrowing underground from an empty alley I once again left the city. I came to the place where I had once stood and felt a little reminiscent. Most of my time in this world had been spent here and if nothing went wrong I'd be staying here for even longer.

I'd have to make some additional preparations because this time's evolution would take quite a while if I wasn't wrong.

I modified the blueprint I used to make saplings to make a degraded version that wouldn't grow further and could only grow one fruit. Then I spread saplings all around myself, giving them all a different thing to grow. For everything I could grow there was a tree. With the only exceptions being the mythical and divine beasts.

Then I entered the crater where my roots had been.

'May the lasting one see my will to succeed.'

Murmuring a short prayer in my mind I released all the spells on my body. Gravity returned in full force, my human looks disappeared and made way for expanding wood that shot outward until my full size was revealed. My roots dug into the earth and my leaves swayed softly in the wind.

With one pulse of nature magic supported by my innate understanding of life, all the saplings quickly grew into fully matured trees.

Out of nowhere Rat came running up my trunk and settled down on one of my branches to take a nap.

'Now, let us commence my next evolution. System, give me all the details!'

By now I was sure that this was a lie but I might as well roll with it. From the sky, a golden current only visible to me cascaded down, as it washed over me a cooling sensation spread throughout my body.

I felt like all the innate understandings I had been digesting were suddenly much clearer to understand. Such was the power of faith.

The thing that should come to pass naturally didn't really happen so I'd take things into my own hands. Or should I say branches?

I had already grasped one strong innate understanding, life, now I needed another that I could somehow connect to the first and create a double domain.

Taking advantage of the astounding clarity the incoming faith provided me with I simply selected the thing I thought the most compatible with life which turned out to be nature.

Finally, the full effect of faith hit me like a drug as my consciousness faded into the background. I could feel my subconsciousness work like crazy while I felt like I was floating on a cloud. So soft and comfortable~.

I could faintly tell that my body was changing and a feeling of power spread out around me. Slowly I returned to my senses as the power of faith began to ebb away. I longed for the state I'd been in and tried to hold on to the faith but it simply vanished like a dried up river.

Trying to forget that intoxicating feeling I looked around. Around me was a double domain, I felt incredibly familiar with it but something about it also felt strange. Whenever I thought about the double domain its connection word appeared in my mind. Nature's life.

'Or to use the official terms I am now an archmage of the 8th rank. Or am I wrong?'

'Wait, what?'