True power of deities

The symbol etched into the game plate shone with a resplendent light as it grew larger. Once it was big enough for a human to pass through it was gushing magic like a spring and a figure emerged from it.

Lord Abel stepped through the gate as a phantom wind rustled his clothes. I couldn't feel any aura, magic, or life force from him, he was like a black hole in a world of color. All magic that got close to him just vanished.

"So your one of his creations, huh. I hate to break it to you but Tacitus doesn't exist anymore. The divine sanctuary has been breached and most creation gods died in the ensuing battle. You'll have a hard time finding any of the old creation gods nowadays."

"For the reference, I didn't participate in that battle nor the following slaughter. But I can't let you kill or bind Eldar and that is final."

At that, the world lashed out. An unbelievable amount of pure origin energy flowed from the world's core to deliver a terrifying strike.

I couldn't move an inch, firmly suppressed by the sense of dread growing within me. Lord Abel, on the other hand, seemed completely unaffected. He floated in midair unmoved while watching the incoming strike with contempt.

"Primordial Chaos, come forth and return everything to its origin. Domain."

The domain formed around him filled with a myriad of colors, ever-changing and without any visible order. The world's strike entered the domain and dissolved soon after, becoming one with chaos indistinguishable from the rest.

"Chaos has always been the bane of all creative powers. But really, is this the best attack you can muster? Let me show you how a deity uses origin energy."

The same energy the world had used before was now employed by lord Abel. However, despite it being the same energy, the one lord Abel directed felt different. The world's origin energy had given the feeling of a superior being that gave life and death as it saw fit. Lord Abel's origin energy gave off a rather mundane feeling.

"You know, I always thought that superiority is such a narrow view creation. Isn't creation about diversity? How would a world look like if there were no peasants as you call them, no lower life forms that do those mundane things we tend to forget? Can a creator who sees himself as superior create something that is inferior without making it flawed? In my opinion origin energy isn't about the creator but about the creation."

A slash of his hand sent the mundane-looking origin energy flying. It rushed down towards the ground at impeccable speed and obliterated the divine lumberjack in passing.

"Oh really? You know, earth, rock, and magma are mundane things too, all are part of creation."

No, he couldn't!

Was what I thought. Origin energy was physically present wasn't it?

"Eldar, remember the strike from the world, didn't it pass through the ground too? Of course, the world's will takes this as a natural occurrence. Its origin energy is naturally attuned to its world so no surprise there but why would I be unable to do the same?"

As lord Abel said that his strike passed through the ground akin to a phantom. I could see what was going on now but my senses were telling me that the strike was still descending without obstruction.

"You just keep talking nonsense. I won't kill you, you'll merely be put to sleep. Sealed away for a few millennia."


"All done."

'Did the world's will just experience fear? It shouldn't be capable of fearing death or anything.'

"It's not fear. It's a self-preservation instinct left behind by the creator. The two are comparable but not exactly the same. Fear is something our descendants will also have but a world born of another world will lack the self-preservation instinct unless a creator intervenes."

'So it's over now?'

"Not really. Now we get down to business."