Weird conversation

After the sunset, Qianli returned home to prepare for the exam tomorrow.

She tried to gather some more information about this place, the level of cultivation used by the people here, what she found out was totally surprising even for her.

" urgh... didn't know they had so low standards, if I had known earlier I would have just created a fake physique pill with those low ingredients, it would have been sufficient to pass the exam, but now the alchemy hall has already closed the doors of their shop... "

The cultivation in the mortal world goes the same as the other planes,

Realm Rank

Profound 10

Spiritual 10

Master 8

Heaven 6

As far as she heard, no one achieved Heaven's rank since thousands of years in the mortal world. It was merely considered a legend.

Of course, Qianli knows that after the heaven rank, there exist lots of ranks far superior. After all, she was living in heaven's realm under the tutelage of the strongest master.

Since the sects are coming to this remote kingdom to select a bunch of mundane disciples, the level requirement was probably going to be near the profound rank level 5. She couldn't be sure at 100%, but even if she was mistaken it wouldn't be lower than this.

At home, after recovering for two days and a half, Xiao Feng was feeling stronger than ever.

His meridians were rebuilt, his strength was overflowing, after carefully inspecting it, he himself couldn't fully believe it.

" How on earth ... "

Xiao Feng spent nearly all his life training, sadly because of his unknown constitution, he couldn't cross the bottlenecks that easily. Wich made him stuck at the profound realm rank 2 for nearly 3 years. He became depressed at the idea of his peers and fellow kids around his age were all mocking him and calling him trash. Even his father the city lord, abandoned him.

Right at this moment, Xiao Feng rose 6 ranks in 2 days! No one besides Qianli would dare to believe it. He became a rank 8 profound realm. And the more surprising was that he was feeling every second that he was getting stronger and stronger.

"If this keeps up, around tomorrow morning, I would breakthrough and would be at the 9th rank! "

His face who was usually calm, couldn't keep this facade anymore, he was smiling, although it was a creeping smile ... anyone who saw him would think that this kid has mischievous ideas behind his head.

" hehe, tomorrow, wait for me Li Chen, I would get back those humiliations I got all these years, I would repay you tenfold! "

Feeling a little sweaty, he went to take a shower.

Qianli, who just returned him saw that no one was in the bed, she became depressed.

If only she hadn't said those words back then, if she only proposed to him to become her disciple, that was a golden opportunity for lots of people.

" Forget it... it was destiny that made me meet him... who knows? maybe we will meet again "

She tried to comfort herself for losing a good seedling, but in her calm heart, there was this strange feeling.

She went to take a cold shower to clear her head off so that she rests enough for tomorrow's test.

After locking the door, she got undressed and went to shower.

Xiao Feng who was relaxing in the bath was still pondering about that girl who healed him and took care of him.

When he woke up he couldn't even speak a word because of his prideful manners.

All his life, he took care of himself, he never asked for anyone's help, even his father. But deep inside, he just wanted to be comforted like any other child. He wanted to love more than anyone else.

" That girl, she seems a little ... odd, I don't seem to recall her living in the city. Maybe she is like the others, and came to take the exam? "

" Either way, she is quite beautiful! Before I thought it was because I was too prideful to speak, but now that I think about it i ... "

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by Qianli opening the door of the bathroom.

He stood up without thinking, both of them were staring at each other's body, shocked.

This was ... awkward...

Both of them was just standing there without moving looking at each other, waiting for the one who will break this deafening silence.

" You! "

It was Xiao Feng who broke the silence, he was unable to keep silence after seeing her delicate feathers, her beautiful white skin, her... he felt that a beast will get out of his body at any moment!

" Me? Me what? "

Qianli who was shocked didn't seem to mind him seeing her body, and wasn't even a little bit embarassed.

When she was living with her master and fellow senior brothers, they thought her etiquette how a proper lady should conduct her self, the manners, etc...

But none of them had the courage to tell her about the forbidden relationships and how she should stand there like nothing in front of a man.

She rarely interacted with anyone besides her family, so who could teach her? Only a woman can teach a woman this aspect of life...

Initially, she was shocked not because Xiao Feng was standing there naked. But because he hadn't left the house yet, she was happy, to have the occasion to speak with him a little more.

But she didn't understand why he was becoming redder and redder the more he speaks with her...


" Eh? why are you... "

" I'm a man ! can't you see?! get out. "

" I know that you are a man, I've already inspected your body before ...."

She meant by that that she already tore his shirt and saw his body.

But for Xiao Feng, he was inwardly surprised, could it be this girl didn't see him as a man, but only a child?! f*ck how is that possible, we both are similar in age, at most she was 2 years older than me.

Xiao Feng wasn't totally wrong about this, he and Qianli were only apart 2 years, She was 18 and him 16.

She then recalled the matter of asking him to become his disciple before he disappears.

" More importantly, do you want to become my disciple? "


" mm?? "

at his last shout, he ran toward the other room as quickly as possible and left Qianli speechless.

" Why was he making a fuss over nothing ? was I too abrupt of asking him that? "