Ch. 24 - Trust and Treat You Like Family

"Stop laughing and let him finish his sentence at least!", Tian Mei scolded her daughter for interrupting Xiao Huoyan while he was speaking.

"It is fine... mother."

"No, it is not!"

"Please. I do not mind being interrupted from time to time… It actually reminds me of my time with Jin Long. We used to interrupt each other a lot, haha…"

Xiao Huoyan chuckeled lightly while remembering his time with Jin Long.

Xiao Huoyan had only spoken the truth, but what he did not know was that those few sentences was enough to move both Tian Xin's and Tian Mei's hearts. He told them something personal to defend Tian Xin, and he did it out of pure goodwill towards his sister.

As soon as Tian Mei had invited him into the family, he immediately began to treat them as his own family. He was extremely smart and well mannered despite his age. He knew how to treat others who were important to him, even though he was so young and had been alone for almost half of his life.

Everything he did... everything he said… it all played a part in melting Tian Xin's and Tian Mei's hearts.

After Xiao Huoyan had finished speaking, everyone turned silent. After a while, Xiao Huoyan began to speak once again.

"... Xiao… Huoyan…"


Neither Tian Mei nor Tian Xin understood what he meant.

"Little flame? You mean your spirit essence? What About it?", Tian Xin asked in a confused manner.

"No… M-my name… It is Xiao Huoyan…"

"You did not have to tell us, dear… We trust you."

"I did not tell you, because I thought you did not trust me. I told you because I wanted both of you to know that from this day on, I will trust and treat you like family!"

"You did not have to prove anything, dear."

"I know, but I still wanted to."

"Thank you anyways, bro. It is nice to know that you actually trust us."

After a while, they went to eat dinner. Xiao Huoyan stunned them with his magnificent cooking skills, and then they all went to sleep in their respective rooms.

After they all woke up, Tian Mei cooked breakfast. After the food was finished, they all sat down to eat… like a happy family.

"Hmm… So, what shall we call you? I believe you would not want others to know about your given name, and we can not let them know about your realationship with the Jin Clan either."

"Uhm… since we are family… you do not really have to call me by name… r-right?"

"Yeah, you are right bro! And do not forget that if anyone in the village dares to bully you, your lovely sister will protect you!"

Tian Xin said with a proud smile on her face while patting her chest.

"Same to you sis, haha!"

"Haha, what are you saying? I am the eldest, so naturally I should be the one protecting you!"

"But I am your brother. Besides… I am a lot stronger than you, haha!"

"Oh, you wish!"

They both laughed while happily joking with each other.

Tian Mei had been silent the entire time. She just observed her happy children.


"What is it sis?"

"Sorry for asking, but how strong are you really? What cultivation level have you currently reached?"

"I do not know… I have yet to begin cultivating."



"Haha, then I am definitely stronger than you!"

"Hahaha, probably not."

"What, why?"

"Are you stronger than The Golden Dragon', Jin Long, himself?"

"Of course not! He was the second strongest individual on this entire continent! Of course, I am not stronger than him, but neither are you!"

"... In fact, I am."

"Quit joking already!"

"The first day that he and I met, I saved his life… Then I almost killed him. I probably would have killed him if I had not stopped myself in time."

"You? Saving The Golden Dragon, Jin Long, and then almost killing him?"

"Believe it or not, but it is the truth."

"Prove it then!"

"Your spirit essence is really beautiful. No. 21, Poisonous Cherry Blossoms, am I right?"

"Y-you… How did you?!"

"I saw it, felt it, and even smelled it."

"You what?! Did you not say that you had not began cultivating yet?! How come you can still…?!"

"Calm down, sweetie! Do not scare him like that!"

"I-I just…"

She felt so confused. Then suddenly, she attacked him with one of her strongest attacks. Xiao Huoyan flew up from his chair and stayed in mid-air. Then he used Demonic Flame to burn the Poisonous Cherry Blossoms that came flying at a rapid speed.

Since he had burned several Poisonous Cherry Blossoms, the smoke also contained poison. To get rid of the smoke, he then used Icy Hurricane. Then he flew back down. 'Luckily the roof is rather high in this house', he thought to himself. Then he just sat down on his chair again.

His acts had shocked both Tian Xin and Tian Mei.

"You! How dare you attack your little brother?! Geez, he is just a child! What if he would not have been able to defend against your attack, huh?! Then he would be as good as dead by now! Apologize! NOW!!"

"I-I… I did not mean to… I just--"

"You just what?!"


"Please do not scold her mother! She did not mean any harm! She was just joking, right sis?"

"Y-yeah. I was just joking…"

"Since you choose to defend her this time… I will let it go. But only this time!"

"Thank you mother!"

Even though it was Tian Xin who had been scolded, it was still Xiao Huoyan who thanked Tian Mei for letting her off the hook. Tian Xin did not dare to say anything, so she just sat there silently.