Chapter Three : Unfold

'Daddy, are we going to visit grandma Lily this holiday?' ask little Haley.

John holds his daughter little hand while walking together out from the cathedral. He carefully guided Haley walking down a few tiny stairs, 'You missed Grandma Lily, bean?'she then smiles and nodded. 'All right bean. I'll do my best' said John while lean to kiss Haley cheek softly and continued grabbed her hands and walk. John spotted Kate talked to Father Timothy. Harvey holds his mother's hand and he seems enjoyed the conversations between them. John approached them and hold Haley in his arm.

'What I've missed?' said John with smiles on his face. They shake hands and Father Timothy greet Haley. 'Mr. And Mrs Kingsley, you have such beautiful kids' said Father. Kate then excuses herself with the kids to give space for her husband and Father Timothy to have a word.

'You have a happy family, John. As a family leader, keeping the welfare, happiness and safety of the family is the priority. God has put His trust in you, and it is up to us, a husband, to guide our family', advice Father Timothy to John, who gratefully smiles. 'Remember, even in the darkest hours, never leave behind the thoughts of those bright days, for it is worth fighting for', Father Timothy added.

'Thank you Father', John smiles.'You have always been there for me. I can't thank enough.' As the people that attended the Sunday mass dismiss, John gives final handshakes before excuse himself. He walked to the black SUV car where Kate and the children are waiting for him. Other friends are waving at Kate while passing. John pressed the key to unlock the door and Kate open the door for her kids. As all of them get in the car, John drives away.

John carefully put the storybook on the cabinet near the night lamp and gets up from the bed. He holds sleepy Haley on his arm and put Haley on the bed. He turned the night lamp and put the bunny doll beside her. John had left the bedroom doors ajar before he walks a few paces ahead to the master bedroom. He grabbed his smartphone to check on the mail. He rests his shoulder on the bed panel and quick glance to Kate that is brushing her hair.

'Honey You charged my phone?'

Kate put the hairbrush and she grabbed her face cream 'I heard the battery warning notification so I put the cable', she started applying the face cream 

'You've been busy with Teletubbies,' she continued. John approached his wife from her back and his hands wrapped about her waist. He leans to kiss her neck and shoulder. 

He looks Kate into the mirror and resting his hands on her shoulders 'Honey, you look perfect', John smiles and Kate turn to him 'What's wrong babe? Want to talk about it?'. John makes a few steps back and sits on the bed.

'Sam called yesterday. Quite late', John crossed his hand. 'Honey, maybe you should call him back,' said John and started to make a way to bed. 'Maybe tomorrow, now its quite late,' he continued. Kate rise from her seat and make her way to bed as well as 'What he told you?'she patted on the pillow before rest her head.

'I don't know. He asks you to call him back', John laying close about his wife and lean close'Goodnight Gummy Bear', he kissed her but he got a soft punch on the chest and withdrawn 'Cinnamon?'he smiles. Kate pinch John's nose and he moan, 'Okay, okay, Cinnamon Gummy Bear', he quickly puts his hand to block Kate. Kate surrender herself and give quick soft kiss 'You gotta work up early tomorrow,' said her while adjusting herself to bed. John adjusts himself to find a comfortable post before dozing off.

Typical Monday and Kate are preparing breakfast for her family. Harvey and Haley were already on the table enjoying their scrambled egg and a glass of milk while Kate pours a glass of coffee. John greets and kissed his kids on cheek 'Morning Teletubbies. Wanna ride? 'John moves his paces quickly towards and snatched a glass of coffee that Kate almost sipped.'No, no sunshine', John give a quick kiss on the cheek 'No coffee for while', John took a sip.

As John finished checked up on his patients, he finally able to sit down with a stack of papers on his desk. He drew his concentration away from his job and he grabbed his phone to text Kate, only to remind her to call Sam back. It's been a while since he met Sam. He remembers when Sam walked Kate down the aisle, and he has entrusted his little sister to him and he remembers the talk that they had on the night before the wedding. Sam never meets Teletubbies, at least that's what he knew. Things that Sam brought up has been on his mind ever since. He let his thought get carried away, but someone approaches his desk.

'The X-rays aren't gonna read by themselves, Kingsley,' said James, his colleague. James looks at John's face 'What's wrong, bro?'he gives his files to Nurse Jackie, 'want to grab some coffee? 'James waited for John's answers.

'Did you tell her?'asked James. A sip of hot Americano really smoothing his throat.

'No', John shakes his head.'No, I haven't. I wonder why Kate never spoke about this,' he claimed.

'So, Samuel, his brother called you, maybe he thinks your wife had told you,' said James while releasing his grab on the mug before crossed his arms. 'Maybe there's something that she doesn't want you to know, John,' James continued.

'Listen to me, John. Maybe you should open this thing up to Kate. You know, maybe she can explain,' advised James. John releases his grip on the mug after finishing the last sip.

'I'll try to talk to her,' John replied. James seems glad after heard John's willingness to take his advice. They dismissed and back to work soon after that.

'Hey, Jackie, can you please inform Dr Henderson, tell her I want to discuss with her about patient case #103. She needs quick surgery, ASAP' John speaks while taking out his stamp out from his pocket. Nurse Jackie makes a call while John updating the case file. As he busies with paperwork, Jackie tapped on his shoulder. 

'Dr Kingsley, you need to see this,' said Jackie with her serious and surprise face. John turns his attention to the small TV that hangs on the wall. Now he got it why Jackie and other fellow colleague pay their attention to the news break before they turned to him. 'Kingsley, is that your wife?'ask Dr Melrose that stopped by the department desk. His attention now turns to Jane Melrose and with several colleagues. He reached his pocket for a phone

'Excuse me', he made his way out for a while.

Kate parked her car in the garage. She makes her way in the house by opening the door that connected the kitchen and the garage. She spotted Amy, who is sitting during her homework at the dining table. Kate puts her handbag on the kitchen counter.

'Homework?'ask Kate.

'Hi, Mrs Kingsley. You're back,' said Amanda.

'Are the kids sleeping?'said Kate while look at her watch.

'Yes, they went to sleep early after dinner', explained Amy.

Kate took out a glass of water and pours it into the glass. 'Thank you, Amy. I don't know what I'll do without you', she took a sip and put the glass on the sink. Kate took an envelope from her handbag and gives it to Amy. With surprise, Amy looked at Kate 'Mrs Kingsley, it isn't due yet',

Kate grabs Amy's hand and pressed the envelope on Amy's hand. 'Take it. I know it's early, but consider this as a gift. I know you have fees outstanding. This might help',

'Thank you, Mrs Kingsley. How did ... ?'ask Amy and before she could finish her sentence, Kate replied 'Don't worry about anything. I understand. I used to be a student', Kate tap on Amy's shoulder.

Then, Amy's phone ring, 'I got to go, Mrs Kingsley. Thank you so much', she hugs Kate tightly for a few moments before she releases the grip. Amy took her bag and rushes to the door, 'Sent my regards to your Mom, Amy,' said Kate while she opened the door for Amy. Amy smiles and make her way to the car parked in front of the house and leave. Kate locks the door soon after Amy and her mother leaving. She walks upstairs and checked on her kids in the bedroom and finds them sound asleep. She leaves both the bedroom's door slightly ajar and continued to walk to the bathroom in the master bedroom to take a shower.

Upon arrival, John parked his car in front of the garage and walk to the main door. As he opens the lock, he heard the sound like people walking on the grass. He quickly turns around to check on surrounding but nothing. He quickly shut the door and set the alarm before he took his shoes off. He immediately put his bag on the couch and walking from the window to the window, take a look around outdoors. Slowly Kate walk downstairs in her bathrobe 'John?'she calls him and her eyes look surround before she focuses on John that still looking out from the window. Kate slowly approaches her husband 'John? What's out there?'she asked him again. John releases his rip from the curtain and turns around to Kate, 'Nothing. Nothing's outside', John walk passed through Kate and loosen his tie, 'Did you called Sam?'

Kate follows her husband to the kitchen and either she ever listens to John's question or not, she seems to ignore his question and ask 'Have you eaten?'

John turns to his wife that is just a few paces back from where he stands, he stands near the dining table. 'Kate, did you call Sam?' ask John again.

Kate frowned while hearing John asking her in a serious tone. 'Did you?'ask John again.

'I didn't, honey. I was busy with work. I didn't have time to call Sam. I 'll call him later', explain Kate and as she walks passes John to get him a glass of water, his hand grab Kate's arm. 'John?'

'Babe, I'm not gonna pretend that I'm fine with all of this'

'What's 'all of this' ?', ask Kate.

John released his grip and put his hand on his waist. 'Kate, look', John put his hand on Kate's shoulder. 

'I respect that if you want to keep your privacy and I'm your husband right? I think I deserve to know. We've been together for 10 years and Teletubbies, they grew up perfectly healthy and wonderful. Never in my thoughts, I would ever doubt you or keeping things from me. I believe you have a reason for this', John release his grip and crossed his arms. 

'What is that mean?'shocked, she tries to connect what John tries to deliver.

'Did you watch the news today?'asked John. Things getting tense between them.

'I told you I was busy...' before she could finish her sentence, John speaks 'Ten patients escaped from Haven Asylum and nine have been arrested. Among the nine arrested, guess what? 'John smirked.

'Abigail Winthrop,' said John. 'On the night Sam called, he wishes to speak to you and I said you already went to bed. He sounded worried and asks him, he told me that Abigail sent him a letter and said she wishes to meet you,' explained John. Before Kate could defend herself, John continued 'He said he will come to visit us this Saturday', John turn and leaves Kate upstairs. Feeling confused, Kate follows John upstairs and found John take out his shirt.

'Babe, I'm never mean to hide,' said Kate.

'To hide about Abigail? Your sister? Is it she is your twin? 'cause you look identical on TV', replied John. He grabs a white towel from the cabinet and put in on his shoulder. Kate move closer 'I didn't mean to...'

'Look honey', John sigh.

'Seeing Abigail on screen was a great blast to my face, especially when I've been told that she's dead. But I just hope you'll come clean to me. I rather spent my life with a woman with a thousand flaws, at least she's honest. I believe whatever reason she hid something from me is for goodness sake, but not to impress me. Because I can love her whoever she comes from and who she is, but I don't want to see my woman hid her flaws or scars to impress others', said John and look deep into Kate's eyes. 

He spotted Kate's watery eyes, and he decided to not continue the conversation. He quickly went to the bathroom and turn on the shower. Deep in his mind, he feels guilty but full of disappointment. He remembers his father said to him once, ain't got nobody sees a man cries, his tears wear thousand untold burdens. 

Will Kate reveals the truth to John? What is Samuel going to expose? 

Wait for Chapter Four: Other-half