Hidden Personality

After showing his true nature in front of Ria he ran outside, Ria was confused because those words came from Ian which was least expected.


On the other hand in the Economics department, Ana became quite popular. Even though she didn't talk much, she became popular both with girls and boys.

She always thought that she was bad at making friends, she was bad at communication but on the contrary, she had a very friendly aura.

In girls she was popular due to her sports activities, she was the ace of the track team.

In boys, she was popular due to her beauty.

Everyone admired her in some way or the other.


On Richy's Side

He was in the Science Department just like Kevin but in a different batch.

On his side also there was a budding love story.

A girl from drama society approached her, they went to a coffee shop together and everyone thought that they were dating. Even Ria and Kevin saw them and thought the same way.

Her name was Bella, she was in the second year.

She was the Secretary of Drams society and she approached Kevin to recruit him in society.


Back to Kevin and Ria,

Ian ran from the class after getting embarrassed.

After five minutes he was back since the professor came to the class for his lecture. He was sitting at the back bowing down his head.

In class, the professor asked a question from him and it was the first time he was not paying attention.

He wasn't able to tell the answer.

That day was the most embarrassing day for him.

As the day end, Ria went to her tennis practice and Kevin was just about to head back home, suddenly he heard a voice coming,

"Hey Kevin, wait. "

It was an uncommon voice for Kevin,

as he turned back he saw Ian.

He was running with a backpack on his back while adjusting his spectacles.

Anyone who will see him running can understand he was very bad at sports.

After running for about 50m he was huffed up to the peak.

He stopped, waited for a few seconds to control his breath and the first thing that he said was,

" Do you like Ria,"

Kevin was startled,

" Wait,

where did that come from?"

Ian's way of talking was different than usual, he looked like a shy and timid guy when he asked that.

Ian was embarrassed asking this but he still said in a low tone without maintaining eye contact with Kevin,

" I always notice that Ria comes and sits near you,

she always stares you in the class.

I am confirm that she likes you but you don't notice a thing.


Just tell me, do you like her?"

" No..!

She is my childhood friend, that's all. "

Inside Kevin

' Ohh, so Ian has some feelings for Ria that's why he asked that. Also, he was not in his usual self, he looked shy and timid while asking this.

I can not tell him that I have some hints about Ria liking me instead, I'll act like I don't know a thing that way it will be easier for Ian.

Also, he looks kinda good guy. I can see that in class he is someone else but when you talk in person with him he has a different personality, maybe he acts in class to keep up to his repo.

I can trust this guy, maybe Ria will be fine with him. '

Kevin started thinking all that and was lost for a few seconds.

Then suddenly he said,

" Tell me one thing,

Do you like Ria "


" Huh.?!

No, I'm


I actually "

"Ok, don't say it. I got that,

You like Ria and you were insecure about her. "

Ian started blushing after hearing that, and that confirmed Kevin's doubt.

Kevin though that why don't give this a shot. He started thinking how to make them meet each other. Then he got an idea!

" I'll call Ria for studying and you can help us with that since you are our class topper."

Ian with excitement said,

" Really...!

Can I join you guys?

I will try my best to help you with studying and will try to talk with Ria.


I'll have to prepare myself for that.

Bye Kevin... and thanks once again "

Saying that he ran,

"Hey wait, do you know my address, how will you come....."

Before hearing all that Ian ran from the site,

Kevin: " He really is clumsy, I never thought he had a hidden side like that. "

Suddenly Kevin's phone vibrated,

It was a text from an unknown number,

' Hey Kevin it's me, Ian

I forgot to ask your address😋, can you please msg me🙏🏻🙏🏻'

Kevin was surprised seeing his message full of emojis.

' He really is a different personality. '

He said that while smiling and went ahead to home.