A Dream Come True

*Dream State*

NICK: Stop it, Jay! Don't listen to him.

As Nick was scratching his head talking to Jay, Ella, and someone.

JAY: And He did so like a knight in shining armor.

As Jay was at the back of Nick putting his hand on the shoulders of Nick.

ELLA: Well what happened, happened. More importantly, are you ok now?

As Ella asked the girl and the girl nodded.

NICK: By the way are you new here? My name's Nick, what's yours?

As the three of them looked at her as they were interested to know also.

The Girl looked at Nick straight in the eyes and said...

GIRL: My name's ...


Nick slowly opened his eyes as the alarm clock woke him up from his dream. He took his glasses and snoozed the alarm. He then said to himself.

NICK: My classmate huh.

Nick smiles and got up his bed as he stretched up and smelt the air. Noticing the smell of his mom's cooking.

NICK'S MOM: Nick are you awake!? It's time to eat.

Nick's mom shouted from the kitchen.

NICK: Coming Mom!

Nick then got outside of his room and walk towards the


Nick's mom was looking at him noticing that his son's kind of happy going to school.

NICK'S MOM: My my, why are you so happy going to school? (with a smirk on her face).

Nick was just enjoying his meal and was actually smiling a little. (He was daydreaming for short) He just nodded to his mom looking like a dog with glasses.

NICK'S MOM: Well I'm glad you're enjoying going to school again.

Looking at the window outside and washing the dishes with a smile on her face as she was glad Nick was back to his old self.

NICK: Thank you for the meal Mom! I'm off to school! Bye, mom!

As he was saying that he gradually got up and walked to the door going outside.

NICK'S MOM: Bye! Good luck and Be safe ok!

Nick's mom turned her head looking at Nick and waved him goodbye. Nick then replied...

NICK: Will do! Bye!

As he waved goodbye to his mother.


Nick was just casually walking in a good mood when suddenly...

ELLA: Good morning Nick!

She shouted as she came out of nowhere surprising Nick!

NICK: Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

ELLA: Well you're in a good mood? (smirk)

Nick bop her head because of her surprising him.

ELLA: Ouch! (patting her head)

NICK: You idiot, why'd you do that? You know I hate surprises cause I'm jumpy. (irritated face)

ELLA: I'm sorry. I didn't know. (insert cute face)

NICK: Huh? Well, no matter. Just don't do that again ok? (felt sorry for bopping her)

ELLA: Ok but answer me this.

NICK: Answer you what?

ELLA: Why are you so happy today? It's not like you to be this excited just to go to school.

NICK: Now that I think of it. Hmm? Maybe I'm just glad that I'm now a graduating student I think? (put his hand behind the back of his head and smiles casually)

Ella got shocked just by hearing his answer as she witnessed that Nick is finally back at his old self. So, she calmly smiled at him back and replied...

ELLA: I'm glad you're back to your old self.

NICK: What's that supposed to mean?

Ella said something to herself softly without Nick hearing it. And her expression from smiling got concerning.

ELLA: Well ever since the acci... U-um. Nevermind.

NICK: Hmm?

She shook her head and said to Nick...

ELLA: Let's go! we're gonna be late.



As Nick and Jane casually walk inside the campus Nick suddenly stopped as he saw the blonde haired girl. Ella asked him...

ELLA: Nick? What's wrong?

Nick couldn't reply to Ella's question as he ran towards the girl and shouted...

NICK: Hey wait!

As he ran Ella gave chase to Nick, and Jay sprung out from nowhere.

JAY: Yo Nick!

Making them bump into each other and they fell on the ground.

NICK: Jay? What the? Where did you come from? I didn't notice you.

JAY: Why are you running? Are you chasing someone? Or are you being chased by the teachers again?

Ella caught up to Nick as she sighed saying...

ELLA: Are you two alright? Nick, what's gotten into you?

NICK: It's the girl.

ELLA: The girl? (looked in front) Oh yeah, it's the girl.

Jay got up and said...

JAY: So you're riled up just because of the girl? tsk-tsk (smirked) I thought you and Ella are already dat...

Ella suddenly bops Jay on the head and got frustrated at him.

JAY: Ow!

ELLA: You idiot. What were you saying huh!

JAY: I haven't said anything yet!

ELLA: Ohh really!?

As the two argued, Nick got up and said.

NICK: I'm sorry Jay, I didn't saw you there.

Jay and Ella stopped arguing as Jay replied to Nick.

JAY: No worries Nick.

NICK: Let's go inside. (with a genuine smile)

JAY: Let's go! (smiling back at him)

Jay put his arms on Nick's shoulders and the two of them started walking whilst Ella...

ELLA: You two! Where do you think you two are going!? (grinning face expression) don't you two walk away to me.

Jay and Nick looked back at Ella and was scared because of her angry expression.

ELLA: Both of you will do community service after school!

JAY: What!? We didn't do anything! What for?


ELLA: For being late in class.


Nick just smiled as it was nothing new to him. Since he was always late or absent. As the two argued again Nick said to them...

NICK: Alright that's enough you lovebirds.

JAY: Lovebirds! With this girl!? Not in a million years.

ELLA: What are you talking about Nick!? with this Idiot? Over my dead body!

As the two argued Nick dragged them both inside like children fighting over a toy.


Professor Frost's voice can be heard outside by the three as they were nervous about how are they going to explain why they're late.

ELLA: Oh no! The Professor has already started his lecture. What are we gonna do!?

NICK: Beats me, I'm always late. How about you Jay? How are you going to handle this situation?

JAY: I'm seldom late so I guess it's not a big deal. Ella here is in big trouble. Not only that she's late, but she's also the Student Council President.

ELLA: Ohh really, Jay? (Ella looking at the two with a dark and bad intention)

JAY and NICK: H-huh? What's with that face!? What are you gonna do?

ELLA: *insert evil laugh*

Jay and Nick got worried about what might happen to them as they hold each other's hands. And Ella opened the door suddenly and said...

ELLA: Good morning Professor! I'm sorry I'm late, I was handling some Student Council Job.

Saying it in a cute facial expression.


ELLA: Punishing late students, especially these two behind me. (smiled at Nick and Jay)

Nick and Jay's face was crying out in their minds saying...

NICK: You're so twisted Ella! I thought we were childhood best friends!?

JAY: Why? Whyyyy!?!?!?

PROFESSOR FROST: I see. (took his glasses off and wiped it) You may seat Ella.

ELLA: Thank you, Professor!

And Ella sat in his seat while the two...

NICK: P-Professor good morning. (frightened face)

JAY: Y-yeah good morning, we're sorry we're late. (frightened face)

NICK: Y-yeah.

The two gulps at the same time as they expected that they will be punished by the Professor. The Professor replied to them...

PROFESSOR FROST: Yes a very good morning indeed. (Stare at them with a frightening face)

*Nick and Jay's thought*

NICK: We're dead Jay. Our friendship was a blast. I'll see you on the other side.

JAY: Indeed! It was fun. See you!

*Back to reality*

PROFESSOR FROST: Well what are you waiting for? Don't just stand there. Come inside let us not prolong our discussion.

The professor said to them in a welcoming and kind-hearted manner as he smiled at them. Nick and Jay were shocked hearing it from the professor as they imagined that their life was going to end there. In fact, they were relieved that they cried inside their minds and praised the professor. And so they entered the room and sat on their seats.

(A quick representation of seat arrangements in where Nick, Ella, and Jay sat. The seats were standard eight seats in column and six seats in rows Ella sits at the fourth row, the fourth column. Nick seats at the last row, second column. And Jay seats beside Nick at the last row, the third column. There you have it. Ohh, and the seat beside Nick on the last row, first column guess who sits there? Lol.)

As Nick was walking towards his seat. He looked at Ella smiling at him and sighed. But as he was getting closer to his seat, he got shocked that his seatmate was the girl that he saved. And so he sat looking at the girl as the girl was reading a book not noticing that him.

*Professor's voice on the background discussing a topic and writing on the board*

(In this part Nick and Jay are having a conversation whispering to each other)

JAY: Nick! It's the girl! Look!

Nick stopped looking at the girl and replied to Jay...

NICK: I know! I didn't get to see her the other day.

JAY: Huh? I thought you were gonna go see her and ask her name?

NICK: That was my intention. But, when me and Ella got there, nurse Shino said that she left already.

JAY: Is that it? Well? What are you waiting for? Go ask her.

NICK: W-what!?

Nick suddenly shouted as the class was shocked and looked at him in silence. The professor stopped discussing and asked him...

PROFESSOR FROST: Nick is there something wrong?

NICK: A-ahh!? N-nothing professor nothings wrong.

As Nick stood up from his seat.

PROFESSOR FROST: Then why did you shout?

NICK: A-ahh, well... I was amazed just by learning what you've been discussing professor.

Nick replied sweating as Ella noticed something was off.

PROFESSOR FROST: We're still in the introduction yet.

NICK: O-oh yeah, right.

Jay was hiding his face in laughter.

PROFESSOR FROST: Well I shall now continue.

NICK: Y-yes professor. Kindly continue. I'm sorry.

Nick sat down and looked at Jay that's still laughing and he pissed off at Jay.

*Ella's thought*

ELLA: What are those two after now?


*Bell rings*

PROFESSOR: That would be all. Thank you. And please don't forget that you will be grouped for tomorrows task ok?

CLASS: Yes Professor.

Professor Frost took off and waved goodbye to his students as he walked outside the room. With that being said. Ella stood from her seat and walked towards Nick and Jay asking them.

ELLA: Ok, what were both of you doing earlier in the class?

Nick: It was nothing.

Replied to her scratching the back of his head.

ELLA: N-nothing!?

JAY: Why are you interested in knowing? Are you really that concern to Nick? Oh my, what a great girlfriend.

Jay said to Ella smiling.

ELLA: W-what are you saying!? W-we're not that you idiot!

Starting to argue again with Jay. But, she noticed the girl who's reading a book beside Nick.

ELLA: I-isn't that the girl?

JAY: The girl?

Looking beside Nick.

JAY: Ohh yeah, that's the girl who collapsed.

ELLA: Hey Nick it's her. Go ask her name.

NICK: W-what? Why should I?

He answered getting red and shy.

ELLA: Why are you shy?

Nick didn't reply.

JAY: Well if you're not going to talk to her then I will.

Jay stood up from his seat and talked to the girl.

JAY: Hey there! You're a Transfer student, right? The name's Jay, what's yours?

The girl was surprised that she stopped reading and looked at Jay but was so confused that she didn't know what to reply to him?

JAY: What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? You know my best friend here saved you when you collapsed.

NICK: Stop it, Jay! Don't listen to him.

As Nick was scratching his head talking to Jay, Ella, and the girl.

JAY: And He did so like a knight in shining armor.

As Jay was at the back of Nick putting his hand on the shoulders of Nick.

*Nick's thought*

NICK: W-what is this? It feels like it already happened. Hmm? Wait! My dream!

*End of Nick's thought*

ELLA: Well what happened, happened. More importantly, are you ok now?

As Ella asked the girl and the girl nodded.

NICK: By the way are you new here? My name's Nick, what's yours?

As the three of them looked at her as they were interested to know also.

The Girl looked at Nick straight in the eyes and said...

GIRL: My name is Jane.

Nick was shocked when he heard the name of the girl. As well as Ella who looked at Nick getting shocked. But as for Jay, he said...

JAY: Hmm? Jane nice to meet you! Wait. That name reminds me of someone. Ahh yes. Nick isn't that name same as your...

Jay stopped talking and looked at Nick as Nick was staring blankly in his desk shocked.

ELLA: W-well. Me and Nick are glad to meet you too Jane! A-aren't we Nick? Nick!?

Ella replied to her concerning Nick.

NICK: Y-yes!

He snapped out of shock and looked at Jane in the eyes saying.

NICK: Nice to meet you!

With a pleasant and welcoming look on his face.

*Ella's thought*

ELLA: She's totally just like her.

*End of Ella's thought*

ELLA: Let's be close friends ok?

Ella said to Jane and Jane nodded with a smile on her face.

JAY: Well isn't that nice!

*Nick's Thought*

NICK: You are very much like her. I hope we can get close again.

*End of Nick's thought*

As he smiled looking at Jane, Ella, and Jay talking with each other.

*Black Transition*