Shifting Gears

It's been three days since Sallie has been arrested. Later the police found her hoodie which she wore while killing Richard. Both George and John were in shock when they learnt that Sallie had killed Richard and probably killed Dan to keep the investigation down. Shaun on the other hand had a hard time since he had to show different expressions like concern, shock and sometimes fear. Everything had gone according to plan and now Shaun didn't have anything to worry about. "It's about time I made an impression of myself and tell the city that I'm here", thought Shaun.

It's Friday, the day was pretty much uneventful, and Shaun had decided to lay low for sometime now. Work got over as usual and Shaun headed home, it's around 8:30 pm. As he entered the house he saw that Mary was getting ready to leave. "Hey, where are you going ?", asked Shaun. Mary stopped what she was doing and with a wide smile stood squarely in front of Shaun and asked, "More importantly, how do I look!? ", Shaun blinked twice and answered, "Well... beautiful, but what's up? ", Mary replied excitedly, "I'm going on a date! ". Shaun was kinda surprised, he hadn't thought of the possibility that another person may enter in this equation. He didn't want to show this, so he followed up with a question, "Wow, what's his name? ", Mary who had returned to applying makeup answered, "His name is James Wilford. He was transferred from the branch company. He works along with me in the Data analysis department", Shaun raised a eyebrow, "Isn't inter colleague relationship banned at your company? ", Mary paused at this and looked at Shaun with a smirk, "It's allowed from this year! ". Shaun didn't want to sound nosy, so he just smiled and said, "Well in that case, enjoy".

TIME :- 1:30AM

Mary hasn't returned yet. Shaun was still wide awake, he had this weird feeling.

_Tsk, stop overthinking shit! She might have gone to his place._

Shaun got up and went downstairs to get some water. Just as he entered the kitchen, he heard the lock of the front door unlocked. He hid himself, may be this was instinct or maybe he was taken by surprise, but this was the best decision, for the one who entered wasn't Mary. The figure cautiously moved around, looking for the light switch. Shaun who was in hiding, didn't have much time to think, he had to act soon. The intruder found the light switches and turned them on, lights flooded brightening the room, however Shaun's presence wasn't given up. The intruder was a tall male, with dark hair but what was most shocking was that he had the keys to the front door. Shaun immediately had that weird feeling when he saw this. Where was Mary, who is this guy, what should he do, were the questions that flooded when the intruder stood in the centre of the room and said, "Excuse me! Is anyone here? I'm James", Shaun was confused, what idiot would break into someone's house and then call them out. He waited, just in case this guy had a weapon or something. James called out again, "Excuse, Mary sent me, she told me to get her some clothes".

_Huh!? _

Shaun came out from his hiding place, he looked at James, "What!?", James smiled and stepped forward extending his hand, "Hello, you must be Shaun, I'm James Wilford. Well what happened is that we went to have dinner and after that back to my place. There we opened a wine bottle, but you see.... stuff happened and wine spilled over Mary's clothes so she asked me to get her something to change into", Shaun couldn't believe how stupid the situation was, and that this guy might have been dead if he hadn't called out in the first place. He sighed and looked at James, "Well you will find some clothes in her room I guess, go ahead", James nodded and went to Mary's room, later he returned with some clothes and soon left.

Next morning, Mary came home to breakfast made by Shaun. She entered the room, Shaun offered her coffee, there was complete silence. "Well stuff happened last nigh--", Shaun chuckled, "It's none of my business, don't worry about it ", Mary smiled embarrassingly and ate her breakfast. The cafe was closed as George had suggested that they should take a day off with all that was happening. Shaun was going to be at home the whole day, so he thought he might as well make most of it. As Shaun relaxed, he thought about all that had happened till now, his new fate had began when he snapped the first time and choked Sid Ohera. From that day a lot of events took place, each and everyone of them was interesting. He realised that if he is going to continue, he needed to switch gears and enjoy some peaceful days too. Too much action might be dangerous, as he might slip and make a mistake and get caught.

While Shaun laid back and relaxed, trying to enjoy the peaceful days, there was someone unexpected who was coming towards New York. Looking out the window of the bus, and thinking that it had been almost a year since she first met Shaun Frost, the person who was arriving to New York was Layla Makovsky.