Wild goddess appears

I open my eyes to see just blackness,blackness, oh and uh more black

"what happen to me where am I why is it so dark the last thing remember is I was on my way home from school when I decided to stop at a coffee shop. "

This soul submerged in blackness spent several days trying to makes sense what could have possibly happen. She long ago realized she was no longer living, but didn't want to believe it this went on for about 2 months before she broke

"how can I be dead I just turned 18 was I killed by an explosion, that would explain why I can't remember exactly what killed me guess I was just unlucky but then why am I still here shouldn't I be reincarnated or something"

, suddenly all the darkness dissipated and left in it wake was a daunting female figure who said

"you rang" she continued " your going to be joining in a little game where the winner becomes a god simple, out of everyone else joining in the game your the most reasonable by leagues, so I'm going to give a boon hows that sound".

The soul responded "that seems a lot better than staying here, can you tell me more about this game your taking about also what that boon is".

The powerful looking holy figure said " I was getting there, well for the game you are sent to another world to grow stronger with your system that you generated then after 16 years the first battle happens within a special divine space I will have prepared most of the battles will be 1v1 and there are 500 other than yourself, your boon is 3 wishes with a few limitations".

The soul has some scattered memories of reading a few novels with systems so she can generally understand what this means she speaks " ahh I understand this is one of those situations that makes these wishes easier to decide", she then thought about what makes most people with systems stronger ("of course a powerful bloodline").

"Ok I think i know what my first wish is, does my system have bloodlines". goddess responded

" if you ask then I guess it is so".

" well then I would like to create my own bloodline as my first wish" the soul responded.

The goddess spoke once more "permission granted it might be quite hard be careful please choose the bases you would like to use in the creation".

"hmm" she took a bit of time thinking this one over trying to think of the strongest races she knows in fantasy and manga stories after 3 hours she finally whittled it down to just 4

"I would like sayian, dragon, neko(cat), and doppelganger". She didn't just choose these because they were strong but because of there unique abilities.

The goddess seem to be thinking carefully as she spoke

" 4 that's going to be extremely difficult, well do your best" she then handed over 4 large cores with different colors that seemed to have a strange energy swirling around inside them.

"What am I supposed to do with these" said the confused soul.

"Hold them close to each other and focus on them all very intensely then try to imagine them twisting around into one another then you have to reorganize them once there all together." said the goddess.

ms. soul moved down to were the cores were and began following the instructions as she did she started to feel a powerful force pushing against her focus that slowly weakened as it did her mind started to become more strained until the cores became one very large purple core. Immediately after that moment of relief came a wealth of extremely detailed information came crashing into me like waves it reminded me of reading through a mess of jumbled up code slowly but surly she moved things around deleted a few things that weren't necessary combined somethings that fit together until she was able to get what she wanted by this point she felt that she was going to pass out even though she hand no physical body things suddenly got dark. The tired soul woke up to see she was still were she was before but the core had diapered

"noooooooo all my hard work" the goddess laughed

"there's no need to worry your soul just absorbed it I'm very impressed". The spooked soul responded "that's a relief now for my second wish I want to have my own pocket dimension with slowed or stopped time that I can enter and leave at will and bring others in and out of. Also for my third and final wish I would like to have good luck. the goddess finished the conversation with a "sure I'll do my best I would wish you good luck but you've already done that your self".

The goddess disappears then the lights go out for a third time. In this moment a new voice appears "generating system from host processing 20%.....50%.....99% generation complete the Dominatrix System has been created.

"Wait a second the what? that doesn't sound right whats with that name?" said the drifting soul. "Dominatrix System was created by hosts souls parameters its name can not be changed" said the voice.

" Who decided I was a dominatrix?!" soul said. "No one did that's the name that appeared because of how your soul works I can not give any further explanation".

"I thought I was supposed to have good luck" said the soul in response. "you are still rather lucky I can tell your system has high potential. you have 600 seconds to decide your rebirth location along with world you want to be transported to". " only ten minutes quick I have to decide " said the panicking soul.