2.soul spirit awakening

I was born as the queens 4th child 2 being boy and other two are girls they were a few years older than me,and when I was 9 months old I said my fist word which was mama then papa of course I was loved by all, but there was one problem they said that I couldn't cultivate.

Me:System what do they mean I can't cultivate wasn't I on bronze stage

System:you are and you can but they can't see your progress until you are two

Me:wow that sounds amazing🤬

With that saying for the rest of the two years people pity me cause I can't cultivate they call me the queens trash but could they cultivate when they were 9 months old I don't think so.

And the time finally came my second birthday of course people came if they did not they would be offending the king,after that I went into my room to cultivate and made it into gold rank easily,and they were also going to test my cultivation again.

King:that can't be how is he at bronze I thought he could not cultivate

Queen:look now,you made him be called trash they mocked him for no reason

King:I have made a big mistake

Of course where was I? Well in my realm fight beasts, monster that were weaker then me I reached level 2 of each of the techniques now I am strong but still weak,apparently there are a few more worlds above this and new stages well no one knows yet,I woke up headed for breakfast.

Me:get me breakfast

Maid:will you not wait for your father

Me:what does he got to do with me "a trash"😈


Me:hurry up I am hungry

And so I ate and left before the mother and father came

Father(king):where is Alex

Maid:he left after eating my king

Queen:I knew this was going to happen

Me:what should I do hmmmmm..

System:host should finish the last boss so you can get a reward

Me:yes I must

And I did now I want to know what the reward will be

System:reward:10 super senzu beans

Me:how many floors are there

System:host gets five reward in all the fist reward is completing 100 floors,the next is at 1,000,then 10,000,and then 100,000,and finally 1,000,000


And so few years past and nothing changed my parents felt worse by the day the people didn't stop so I didn't even care

King:son today we are going to awaken your soul spirit

Me:ok when

King:in a few hours

Me:uggh it's so boring,oh system can I get an iPhone and some nice headphones🎧

System:yes host can have it

And so I spent the few hours listening to music watching videos and stuff,and the phone has unlimited battery,unlimited WiFi you can use any where.

King:ok come,what is that on your head

Me:does it matter

King:I guess not

And so we stepped into a room where it looked like a gladiator ring with people on the outside sitting and watching

King:we are here to awaken these kids soul spirit

There was a total of few maybe 100 or more,we got in a line I was wearing a mask so no one can recognize me but my mom and dad knows soon it got to my turn

Elder:son step up here

Me:son? Do I look like your son '🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂'

Elder:just get up here

And soon aura gathered in me and lifted me,but before that I must tell you about the soul spirit awakening,there are 10 tiers of soul spirit and the most that has been awakens is 3,tier 1 to 2 is common,3 to 4 is unique,5 to 6 is rare,7 to 8 is legendary,9 is ancient,and 10 is godly.

System:host can pick a maximum of 5 soul spirit to awaken

Me:what about Arceus

System:he will be awaken so host has to pick 5 more to awaken

Me:'ok let's go with dialga, palkia, giratina,9 tails (kurama),small super shenron (small)'

And find out what happen on the next chapter😂😂😂😂😂🙏.