8.next world

We came out of the portal

Me:mom how long were we gone

Mom:a few hours

Me:ok we bought some money

I bought money from system

Mom:how much

Me:few trillions


Sarah:it was so fun

Me:let's go to sleep

Sarah:yeah I am tired


Next morning we had to headed to school while we were at lunch we heard another message

Pa:students from next week there won't be school as we don't need to study any history because it's changing and we don't really need math or any other subjects and there are things called adventurers guild where you can make money by going into the portal

So we spent the next week going to school and what not after the week we went to a guild

Me:may I register

Receptionist:yes just fill this out

Again the form wasn't that much after that

Receptionist:ok now we have to check what rank you are at



We followed her and we saw a large hologram and at the side we saw a thing with a hand figure carved in

Receptionist:can you please place your hand there


Receptionist:WHAT!!! It says SSS,now it's your turn


Receptionist:this is impossible we got the first two SSS RANKERS!!!

Me:ok let's go




Receptionist:well the A rankers and above have salary's

Me:what's ours

Receptionist:well for that you have to kill monster and how much that monster cost is your yearly salary

Me:ok so can we bring any amount


Me:ok we got a lot

Receptionist:can I see

Me:no I don't think it's a good idea let's go see the guild master


Guild:so you are the one that's here for the salary

Me:ok,this is what we got

I took out slimes

Gm:hahaha slimes


Then I took out goblins,then hobgoblins,then ogres,then wyvern,then dragons,demons,angels but I did not take out the god core

Gm:this is a lot it all adds up to 10 trillion a year

Me:so how much a month

Gm:about 830 billion a month

Me:that's good

We got home but heard crying noises I went in and found my mom crying over my dad which was dead


We all cried we had a proper burial and all the family members came because they all loved him dearly everyone was crying it was so sad,after few days mom started to get better and is not crying she knew that he was in a better place

Me:here mom eat this pill


After she ate it she became younger and more beautiful and her breast size grew a bit and her ass was a lot bigger

Me:oh mom your so beautiful I might have to make you my wife to

Mom:I wouldn't mind

Sarah:me to

Me:😅😅😅 sure I have two wives now

Sarah:so what now

Me:I will give her a cultivation pill to make her as strong as you



She took it and she did become more powerful and beautiful

Mom:wow I feel amazing

Me:ok let's head back home the portal will open



There was a portal opened and we went in and we came in front of a castle

Guards:who are you go away

Me:really go or you will be dead

Guards:we can't allow anyone to enter the king is sick

Sarah:father is sick

Me:looks like old man is doomed to die,I am sure you know the name Alex

Guards:we've seen fakers trying to come in we won't let you

I pulled my scythe out

Me:I am sure you remember now

Guards:yes yes we do please don't kill us

Me:me let's go

Mom:so the kings your father Sarah


We entered the room and I saw a woman sitting next to the bed

Me:old man

King:Alex is that you

Me:shut up I told you not to call me Alex

King:son I am gonna die please take over as king

Me:who is she

King:oh she is my new wife we married 5 years ago her names rose

She looked like those arrogant piece of shit

Rose:hello and who are you

Me:prince Alex uggh get up old man and take this pill

King:what is it

Me:it's gonna heal you

Rose:guards he is trying to poison the king get him

The guards came in but then saw Alex and walked back

Rose:where are you going

Me:shut the fuck up,old man here

The king took the pill and he seemed better and he was a lot stronger then before

Rose:I am sorry I didn't know

Me:don't care,old man where is the portal opening

King:it's gonna open at the center of the city in 1 week


Mom:I don't get it you are not his son you are mine

King:what does she mean

Me:shut up old man she is my mom,now wife second,well I was reborn in a different world and I was born as her son but now she is mine

King:oh ok

Me:let's go to my house

We teleported to my house the maids and butlers greeted me and mike and Rebecca was there waiting

Me:oh you two are impatient

Mike:your back...who is that

Me:her name is Mary (mom) she is my second wife



Mike:ok the portal will open in 1 week see you in one week


Me:ok everyone can leave and here

I gave all the maids and butlers large amount of money they were crying after few minutes left

Me:let's go to sleep

Me:'System buy shadow clone jutsu


Me:ok guys let's have fun

After saying that now there was 4 lucifer

Sarah:I get two

Mary:me too

All four of them went in and you can hear moaning coming from the room

Sarah: more more more!!!

Mary: more more more more more!!!!

All four of them came at the same time actually all six of them and they kissed and slept,and soon a week past and the portal was opening and we went and were the first ones there after few hours you can see a lot of people but no one will go in

King:this portal is to go to the upper world whoever thinks they can go in then go ahead but be warned it will hurt soon people tried to go in but none could then 5 people came and went through the portal and yeas it was lucifer,Sarah,Mary,mike,Rebecca

After they entered,it was beautiful,apparently the cultivation realms were named the same but more powerful.

(I am gonna do a time skip)