Dancing Cat (part 5)

"WHERE is she?"

He saw Tristan York standing at the entrance of his bedroom. The professor lifted his chin indicating the whereabouts of the girl that causing the commotion at the moment. When he saw that girl disappeared from Gitto's embrace, he instantly apparated himself to the front door of Professor York's office.

His steps were big and it took him three steps to reach Tristan's side. There, he saw Stella. Sleeping like a newborn baby. Comfortable under the warm comforter. He threw a sighed of relief.

"What happened?" Professor York or his comrade in many aspects asked.

"They were quarreling. Like a married couple," he answered and sat beside the bed like yesterday.

He heard his friend sighed. "She must've opened another door for her to be here." He stroked her front hair away from her face.

"That's the problem! Why here of all places? If my wife knows, I'll be dead."

Effan grinned. "In many-many sisters-in-law that I know, this one is the coolest. She'll understand," he said while kept on staring at her face.

"My Kiko is the coolest woman and scariest. I was hoping to live this life a lot longer you know!"

Effan shook his head. His fascination towards that man ended long ago and even living so many lives, he never changes. "Just tell her the truth Tristan, she might spare you."

Tristan stopped pacing. His office was not that big but bigger compared to his. "Maybe?"

Then like a whirlwind he is, Owen came slamming the door open and panicked in his eyes. He moved towards where the gentlemen were gathered. "It's snowing! Why is it snowing?"

"Would you calm down. We have a sick patient over here," Tristan snapped at him.

Owen was speechless, looking at Stella who was sleeping soundlessly. He looked at both the gentlemen with confusion. "Don't tell me..."

"The second door has open. I'm not sure how wide considering she has now summoned the winter..." Effan speech trailed when he saw a frown on Stella's face.

"Who is it? Who opened the second door? The first one isn't properly open yet."

Owen kept on pestering them with questions and Effan let Tristan handled that bipolar kid. His priority is Stella none other. "She must be facing the nightmare," he whispered. He wanted to help her to ease the pain of nightmare and there was nothing he could do but one. He put his hand on top of her forehead, careful not to touch her skin.

"What are you doing?" Owen asked finally calmed down after his questions were answered.

"Careful Effan. We don't want her to get stuck in there," Tristan advised.

"I know." He calmed his tremor hand then he conjured a spell of the ancient language. His palm glowed white. No one dared to talk. Not even Owen. For that he was grateful. At times, that man knows things that he was not supposed to know but who he is to judge when he is a questionable person too.

After a minute passed, his hand stopped glowing and he retracted his hand. His body slumped against the bricked wall. Sweat running down his temple. His breath was ragged.

"It's been a long time since I last saw that spell," Tristan entered the room. Then he placed his hand on Stella's forehead. The only other human who could touch Stella at the moment because he is a non-magic wielder. When a magic wielder touched a person (who is going through the trial of Zne), that person might not able to wake up from his/her dream.

"How is she?" Effan asked.

"Much better. Her temperature has risen," Tristan confirmed it.

Effan let out a relieved sighed. Her body temperature has been steadily dropping since yesterday which was a side effect of opening one of the doors though it was not only concerning low body temperature but can affect any parts of the body commonly cold or fever. And since she coincidently opened two doors consecutively in two days, the toll must be hefty to pay. Not to mention a summoning to happen as well.

"Now, what are you going to do about the snow? Aren't that old lady will be mad?" asked Owen concerned.

The three of them looked at each other. A silent war between them. Each reluctant to volunteer nor brave enough to face the wrath of mother nature.

"If we let it on, a blizzard will come," someone said and they all agreed.

"We should go meet auntie it as early as possible," someone said and they agreed again.

He needs to say something, anything. He could feel the pressure of their eyes on him.

"We have decided that Effan will be bringing her later this week, right?" Owen said.

"And he is chummy with that auntie," Tristan supported.


"Don't you dare!" Tristan caught his hand and he was not able to apparate.

"You're a real knight, coward." Owen blocked the door.

"Like I care! All you did is pushing your job on me!" Effan struggled to make himself free from the sudden duty befalls on him.

"Be responsible! You're older than us!" Tristan snapped at him while squeezing his body tighter.

"Lie! Such a lie is preposterous! You're the living embodiment of lies!" Effan retorted back. He tried to break free but Tristan is a snake in human skin and both of his hands were a prisoner of Owen's strong-arm despite looking lanky and bony.

"Why are you trying to run away?" Owen asked with gritted teeth.

He does not know how this body has such a slow reaction that he was easily captured and twisted in their arms. "Who wants to face that old woman at times like this? Are you crazy?" He shouted in exhaustion.

True to that word, they all had to agree and their fight ceased until another day. Hence, they sat on their chair like a civilized man and had their tea to the relief of their parch throat.

"I don't request to live such a life..."

"For the sake of the future, such sacrifice I made..."

"The end may not too far..."

Three of them sighed with their tea on their hand not caring for each other words. Yet, they look at each other and sighed together.

"What are you going to do about that boy?" Tristan asked after a long while.

Effan put his teacup on its saucer. He closed his eyes and an image presented in front of him like a personal television in his mind. "He's frantically searching for her at the moment. He'll arrive at the institute at any moment."

"I'm surprised he didn't go to the police," Owen commented.

And I'm surprised you didn't ask about my surveillance magic.

"He may have suspected something. Can you handle him, Effan?" Tristan asked though he did not need to. As much as they were reluctant to handle a certain old woman in a forest, they are also found it hard to handle a boy named Gitto.

"On it." Effan did not argue since among them three, he is the most qualified person to do so since Gitto is someone that has more relation with him than others.

"Owen, tell the twins about today. Jacq must've surprised to think that he might have triggered something."

Effan looked at Owen sideways. The bright demeanor had changed 180 degrees on Owen's face. He had suspected something and he chooses to let Owen handle his problem himself.

"And I'll be here protecting our little princess until she wakes up. I pray that she rests a lot longer since she'll be using a lot of energy later," Tristan said while looking out the window, on the courtyard where his student gathered to look at the sky.

It has been 10 years since the last snow has graced the land of this valley and now it has come to fill the earth with its whiteness. Everyone was excited yet deep in their hearts they hold doubt of their future. Whether this snow brings good fortune or bad omen.