Pick That Box!

"Alright," Fransisca said, "you and Nelly go to the Dezensano and I will wait here."

"Nice to hear it," Nelly spoke, "Let's go."

Right after she said that, she started walking to the Dezendano. I followed her walking.

When she arrived there, she knocked on the door and said she would like to get in. I saw there was Mrs. Regina sitting on her chair behind her desk.

She looked at me, "So there is also Norbert?"

"Yes, he is," Nelly answered, "He would like to be around."

"Nice to hear that."

Mrs. Regina picked some candies from her wallet. They were the best of candies that I ever ate before.

Mrs. Regina stood up and said, "Do you like candy? I think yes."

"Mrs. Regina, we're not child again since we entered the middle school," Nelly uttered.

"Yes, but actually no," I argued, "everyone still become child even though they die."

Mrs. Regina looked at me, "In religion, it'll be right, but in biology it will totally mistaken."

"Yes," I threw my eyes at Nelly, "nevertheless, everyone must be like candies but some of don't want to eat because of their individual troubles."

"Just accept it then," Mrs. Regina handed us those candies.

"May we share it?"

"It's not my business, it's yours."

Nelly nodded and putted them inside her pocket. She picked one and teared it plastic.

I didn't think I would eat it so I putted all inside my pocket. In other hands, I don't like to eat someone gift in front of them.

Nelly seemed satisfied with the candy and she also chewed it. At the same time, Mrs. Regina was also having her candy inside her mouth.

When I looked at Nelly, she seemed still know about her plan. I thought it was the part of our plan, so I decided to keep rolling.

I stepped backward one step and took a look at the clock. As it said, we still had twenty five minutes left.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Regina," Nelly spoke out, "Why did you tell me to come here?"

"Ah, yes, I also forgot to ask you to come with other."

"But I'm here," I uttered, "I'm also a human."

"And that was a good thing," Mrs. Regina said.

"Good idea?"

"Yes, because it is easier if I tell it to two people rather than one."

"Alright, however is it, what make you call us here?"

Mrs. Regina picked up her phone from her wallet. It seemed she opening WhatsApp.

"First thing first, let's check out the report first before continue," she uttered, "Have you completed making the class group?"

"Class group? We just finished it yesterday morning," I answered, "but literally Fransisca and I made it in the afternoon on Monday."

"Good job, and have those phone numbers listed on the form, Nelly?"

"Yes, they have and I already submitted it to the administrator room."

I saw there was something wasn't quite right because this talk. If Nelly had the journal with her, she should know that there was a data page inside it. But she just did it ease like she didn't know about it.

I threw my eyes at a paper on Mrs. Regina desk. It was the same paper as I had last day, the form Nelly held.

"And now why did you call us?" I asked.

"There is something I shall show you," she answered, "firstly, can you see something on top of the shelf?"

"Which shelf?"

"That one," she pointed to the mid shelf under the chemical shelves.

"Oh, a box," Nelly mouthed, "what is that?"

"Pick that box first."

Right after she said that, I walked there and grabbed it with my left hand. I could see that the design of the box was very common.

As I got that, I walked back to Mrs. Regina and Nelly. I handed Nelly the box which could be the tea box I mentioned about and a box she saw yesterday.

Right after she got that in her hand, she handed it to Mrs. Regina. I didn't know why, but it seemed like a chain.

"Thought what it was?" Mrs. Regina asked.

"Nope, but it looks like a tea box," I uttered, "there is a teapot on it."

"And that facts are reinforced by 'Real Taste' as the trademark," Nelly added.

Mrs. Regina nodded, seemed that she accepted our opinions about the box. She opened the box and picked a pocket of tea.

"You're right," she mouthed, "but I don't know who put it here. I found this yesterday."

"So what is inside? Full pockets of tea?"

"Not, it may weights like normal tea boxes, but it filled with candy."

"So? What will we do with it?"

Mrs. Regina handed it to me, "Pick it, but make sure it doesn't take a place that exposed."

Nelly looked mistaken with it. She seemed a bit not understand.

I threw my eyes at her, "If anyone check out this, we can just say Mrs. Regina entrust this to us."

"Good idea," she mouthed, "and I think we're finished here."

I threw my eyes back to Mrs. Regina, "Yes, we have finished here."

"If you want to leave, you can leave now."

"Alright, see you next time, Mrs. Regina," we greeted her.

"See you next time."

Once we said that, we walked out of from the classroom. I brought a box in my hands.

When I stepped to Patengola, Fransisca wasn't alone. There was Kevin there, standing in front of the Patengola door.

He seemed surprised to learn that we weren't around. His eyes focused on the the box I held.

"What is that silly colorful box?" He yelled at me.

"It's a tea box," Nelly answered.

"But not quite right," I added, "this shall declare a war."

"Let me guess, the things inside it weren't tea," Fransisca uttered.

"Yes, that is, that's why I call it not quite right."

"Wait, a tea?" Kevin yelled again.

"Yes, but it wasn't filled with tea, it filled up with candies."

"Wait there, that must be the point we need."

"Point we need?"

"Everyone always says what is thing they're bringing according to it box."

"Unless they are know what is inside."

"Leonard must be mentioned the box, not the tea," I uttered.