32.Rings is missing

Wu Yue was change as in changing room . after done of her makeup she force by everyone to change and it was really difficult for her to deny everyone request to help her in change dress.

Yue come out of the room after done with her change. said to fang

"How could you do this .. " she stop in meddle because she not notice before that someone else was here not their friend's.

Mrs Su and Mrs Li was in bride room to meet the bride and saw that she was alone sat in room. when they are talking they saw someone else come out from change room.

Mrs Su and Mrs Li look at the changing room and Su fang also look at their with innocent smile. Yue stop in meddle of sentence when saw Mrs Li and Mrs Su and smile at them and look at fang in question manner " why don't you say you're mom is here "

fang smile innocent like saying her " i really don't know about it "

Mrs su smile and said" yue you're here your mom is asking for you"

Yue smile " thank you aunty su for informed and my job is also done here so, i go right now "

Mrs Li was just look at yue, she look to beautiful wore a purple dress with scope line and low back and a pair of earrings and a purple high heel.

fang notice that her aunty li was look at her friend in question manner so, introduced yue to her,

"Aunty Li she is my friend Wu Yue, Yue she is my aunty Li "

yue smile at mrs Li " nice meeting you aunty Li"

Mrs Li smile at her " nice meeting you miss Wu, you look beautiful "

"thank you aunty Li , you to look beautiful "

All talk to each other when Yue phone ring, she saw it was a message from bro Chang, she smile and hug fang than greet ladies and excuse herself from their.

yue come out from room and went her groom room and knock and someone open the door for her. enter the room and ask the brother " what happened bro "

Chang look at her and sigh in relief and

" actually the ring were missing i don't know were i put? "

yue really shock to hear this from her brother but saw brother in panicked nothing just ask him some question

" where you put last time, you check you coat pocket....."

" i checked everywhere but not found it "

" ok calm down, you go get ready I'll look for it "

" ok "

Li Qiang was stand in window side and look at her on the time when she enter the room and stare at her all the time , purple colour suit her and she look beautiful.

Jing was help her to look for the ring and both were looked for in room and when he not found he sat on couch near where Qiang was stand.

he look at his brother and found him look at something, he observed for some time and found him look at yue he smile and stand near him and whisper at him

" bro qi it's not good "

Li Qiang glare at jing and said nothing, jing understand her brother is giving him warning so he kept his mouth shut.

chang was got ready but yue could not found the ring she look for it in room everywhere , yue sat in couch near where brothers were stand and drink a glass of water.

Qiang look at her tired face and call her assistant and excuse from room. chang was sat near her

" not found it "

" not, you really don't know were you put "

Chang nodded head and Jing sat near Chang and get a glass of water and drink it in one gulp. no one said nothing just sit in silence. Li Qiang come in room after finished his talk and look at them and said

" why don't we order new one "

yue look at him ,said "we don't have that much time to go and new one, now left one option look for original "

Jing and Chang nodded head in agreement too. Qiang smile at them meaningful, said

"we can get the ring in time ,i just said them and they have a rings we are look for but they don't have people to delivery so, one of us to go there to get the rings personally and come on time "

Jing said " good idea but wedding is happen 20 minutes and who will got the rings here in time "

Li Qiang, Wu Chang and Wu Yue look at directly to jing, jing notice everyone is look at him, he thoughts for sometimes and said " okay fine, I'll go "

everyone nodded head in Jing decision but yue said " Jing you go get it on time, i try to look for it here if i found it would be nice ".

All nodded head in agreement and Jing leave the room to get the rings on time and yue again busy in look for it in room, chang and Qiang was just on couch without said anything.