Chapter 49

Naruto turned to the side to see the observer. Just from one glance, he could tell she was skilled and powerful.

He already knew about her from his research on the things about the world but this was his first personal assessment.

She was also the first part human being that was older than him and still looked young.

Her looks made her appear in her early twenties and her attitude was also stuck on that level because she didn't want to act like an old lady.

Being part digimon from two Ultra Digimon Tamers made her almost immortal and she had yet to reach her limit.

Kara looked like he younger version of her mother, so it was another reason why she put a stop to her age on the current look.

"It is my pleasure to accept such a request. Though, I can assume this is not a normal visit." Naruto replied courteously as he healed up quickly after devouring the energy inside the bread.

He had trained his abilities to the limit and now his regen ability was at the extreme limits. He would heal instantly as long as there was chakra in his system.

Once he got his original reserves, he was going to become an immortal monster.

Kara smiled at his response and it was what most would assume.

"No, this is just a normal encounter. I didn't plan to meet you so soon, but your performance beckoned me. I might have missed it, if you fought tomorrow." Kara spoke in a friendly tone and shook his hand.

He felt one thing, fragile.

Fortunately, he wasn't one of those guys with a giant ego because it would have shattered with that handshake.

Moving on from that thought, Naruto now understood why the attack took place the next day. Kara would be gone, so the other people would take time to react.

There was also the fact that she couldn't put much attention on other places unlike the main cities, except for special reasons.

"It was a happy coincidence. You got a fight, and I got to meet a charming woman of great power. I am truly humbled." Naruto spoke from the heart. Kara definitely humbled him with her power.

Other than Sanzo, she was the strongest person he had met.

"Are you coming on to me? How cute!" Kara treated him like a child and didn't really take his words seriously. They were common things.

Naruto disliked one thing, being treated like a child.

He was handsome. He was dashing. Just don't call him cute.

He shuddered at those words.

Son agreed with his reaction, he also hated it when someone called him cute.

"I am serious. When can I meet your parents, I will personally ask them for your hand." Naruto continued and he was kind of just playing along. He just wanted to know when he could meet them. They definitely had plans for him, if Kara was watching.

He hadn't hidden his powers because of this reason. He wanted to be part of the central group.

Kara laughed and Goku also laughed at his words. He was just so ballsy and direct.

Few people had ever dared to even try courting Kara, and no one had ever commented about the parents. They didn't have the balls to go and meet them for such a thing.

Her Parents weren't together anymore, but they were still best friends and there was no bad feeling between them.

It's just that, they lost such desires after fighting for so long and getting mixed with the digimon. The digimon qualities had overwritten some of their human qualities.

It was one of the side effects of Bio-merge and Hyper Spirit Digivolution.

"We have our eyes on you and father will meet you when you reach Ultimate rank. With your current progress, that rank is enough or we usually would wait until Mega. After that meeting, maybe you will become part of our group." Kara replied to his question and flicked his forehead.

"Hey Kara, wanna fight?"

"We fought yesterday, you crackhead. People don't improve in a day. I will look for you after a month and break that filthy mouth." Kara turned to him and her eyes were filled with fire. She had gotten that from both her parents, who were prideful and competitive.

She didn't like to lose but Son had beaten her in battle. Obviously, without her digimon since he would lose otherwise and it wouldn't be a fair battle.

"I don't deny the crack, but improvement comes from the constant fights. Look at this kid he did better than your old ass." Son muttered before he was sent flying in to the air by a kick to his chin, and would have passed the atmosphere but Sanzo caught him.

Son got on her nerves very easily. She also didn't like being called old.

The Monkey had forgotten that the seal was still on. He didn't even react to the hit and was knocked out with the impact.

Sanzo didn't wake him up as he would start a fight. Son was a very naughty child with huge amount of pride and battle lust.

There weren't many digimon or people that were so obsessed with fighting like him.

"Sorry about that Kiara, your monkey got on my nerves." Kara didn't regret hitting him but she didn't want to seem like a violent person for no reason.

Son and Kara had a long history. It was the reason why she got annoyed at him so easily. He still hadn't made up for his past deeds.

He had played many pranks on her. He had stolen her underwear and sold it.

He had stolen her food.

He had even bullied her digimon.

He had bullied her in fights.

He had thrown monkeys in her bath.

He had made her fall in a pit of disgusting insects.

That brute had a terrible personality. The only reason she hadn't killed him was because he was one of the heroes.

He was a follower of Kiara, Sanzomon's chosen name since she wasn't the only Sanzomon.

Most digimon that gained intelligence would choose a name if there were others of their kind, which was majority of the digimon.

Only rare few digimon didn't need to take a name, and most of them were extremely powerful.

Kiara smiled, "It is not your fault. I still have work to do with him. Son's nature is quite wild, so it is hard for him to act civil."

"Just put a seal on his dick and he wouldn't dare."

"Now, that would be unnecessarily cruel. I know you have problems with him, but please let them go. He has changed a lot on his journey on my side."

Kara looked at the unconscious monkey and had the urge to hit him again.

"Sorry, but I can't do that. Teach him to apologize first, and then I will give it a thought." Kara didn't like saying this to a friend but she wasn't going to just forgive someone who hadn't apologized.

She wasn't dumb. She could see through his monkey head. He didn't apologize and continued to get on her nerves so that she would fight him in a serious manner, like he was the enemy.

She couldn't deny that he was right.

But, that didn't mean she had to forgive him.

"Kara, are you leaving? I thought we were going to have a feast." Cho caught Kara's hand as it looked like she about to fly away.

"Of course not, we are having a feast and the monkey can sleep through it." Kara smiled and looked at Sanzo, Kiara.

"You know me, Kara. I do not indulge in such things and Cho isn't won't as well."

"Master!" Cho exclaimed

"You decided to follow me, Cho. You need to learn restraint. You can't just eat all the time. How many times have you gotten blindsided or trapped because of it?" Kiara was like a teacher and mother to these followers.

They were following her to find their answers and solve their issues.

Cho had eating problem.

Sagomon had problem with his power and threat of going berserk.

Son was forced to follow after he had caused too much trouble and was being educated in to a civil person.

Cho pouted as she held on to Kiara's leg. She couldn't say a thing but she wanted to complain.

She continued to beg with her eyes, from Kiara to Kara.

"Well, let's have a picnic. Nothing big, just a simple meal." Kara offered as she wanted to spend time with her friend and talk about what was happening around them.

There were signs that something terrible was on the horizon, everyone in the top circles was worried.

It could be another step by Drasil and that was never good for anyone, many people and human beings died every time.

"I need to prepare for my journey, so farewell my friends and hope to meet you again." Naruto saw that he was a third wheel in a meeting with friends and his mind was also on other things, so he decided to leave and clear his head.

The group bid him farewell and he left like the wind.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed