Chapter 52

The two rasenshuriken flew at mach 500 speed and covered the distance instantly that the targets were unable to even react. It was an insane speed for anyone but for Naruto it was downgrade from above speed of light.

One of the rasenshuriken hit Megadramon who had been engaged in a fight with Shogun Gekomon. The sudden attack hit the cyborg dragon like an unstoppable force and carried it into the sky before exploding into a sphere of billions of microscopic wind blades.

The attack held enough power to cut through mountain ranges like they were nothing and if given enough AOE; it could even erase a city of the map.

But the extreme power wasn't the only thing that came with the attack, the real horror were the tiny blades that made up the attack. These blades directly attacked the cells and were small enough to bypass natural defenses of the body and cut the enemy from within, leaving nothing behind.

Megadramon was luckily encased in an inferior chrome digizoid alloy which helped it survive with major injuries, and the same result repeated with the GrapLeomon because the Digimon also had armor from chrome digizoid.

With the two powerful Ultimate Digimon out of the battle, it freed Toad and Mai to focus on the real battle. The two tamers directly attacked Pumpkinmon and overpowered him easily while Naruto ordered Asura to devour the chrome digizoid pieces that had been cut off from the enemy Digimon.

The dangerous situation had led to desperate choices and one of them was letting Asura take such a risky action. Naruto would have never allowed it, but his partner kept on insisting. Asura hated feeling powerless and was ready to jump into the battle even if death was the result.

So, Naruto decided to think smart. Asura was already ready to digivolve, and he already planned to use chrome digizoid on him. However, it was supposed to be in a controlled environment and not a volatile battle.

What they were doing was already new and dangerous, but the battle made it even worse. Naruto took a fragment of blue digizoid from TiaLudomon and targeted the other two Digimon with chrome digizoid. He passed the golden digizoid to Asura and the scales from Groundramon.

"Asura, I believe in you. Don't worry, we will never fail. Don't even consider the possibility of failure, so remember that before ever hearing anything negative." Naruto arrived in his adult form and passed the pieces to Asura, it was the most dangerous time in the short life of his partner. The battle was already a problem, but Asura might even die because of the evolution.

Naruto didn't know what would happen, but just like always he believed in his people and in his powers. Worrying pointlessly would only make things worse and lead to death.

"Master, I will never let you down. So, please keep on relying on me." Asura shared his desire of not wanting to be left out.

"I won't repeat the same mistake again. So, don't keep me waiting partner." Naruto replied with a smile and hug as he passed over half his energy to activate the evolution.

Asura was devoured by a golden sphere along with the small metallic pieces and the nuclear reactor from Megadramon that Naruto ripped out before coming to his partner.

However, all this was possible because of their enemy's overconfidence. M.Etemon allowed everything to happen and he was curious what would take place. He still had some time left to kill everyone, so he wasn't worried about getting caught.

It was especially interesting because of Naruto's transformation. And, it was this hubris that Naruto utilized to make things work. He could see that the Ulitmate Digimon couldn't even damage the beast or even hit it properly, while they were getting trashed with simple attacks.

The fragile and heavy situation caused other Digimon to evolve as well, it meant that Naruto's team could provide back up from the back.

It was the best they could do even though it was pointless. It helped them push down the feeling of hopelessness and uselessness. Sitting back and watching was never their style, and seeing the battle had truly forced them to understand the world.

Naruto left his partner to continue the evolution and decided to intervene before anyone died, since the enemy's attacks had crippled most of the fighters and left them close to death.

Releasing Apemon, Naruto jumped onto Groundramon as he could only sync with one Digimon at a time and Apemon had lost too much energy. He needed something durable and heavy in energy, so the dragon was the best choice.

"Rory, tell him to cooperate with me." Naruto said as he couldn't really force an ultimate Digimon to sync without permission.

Seeing what Naruto was capable of, Rory allowed it and Naruto transformed again. This time he had taken on his Six Paths mode form and utilized his six paths power.

It was the only thing that could allow him to compete with foe since he didn't have Kurama to go into chakra mode. Regardless, Six Paths mode was his ultimate power up. Naruto now looked similar to the time when he fought as an adult. He didn't have Kurama mode, but Naruto could replicate it with his energy and fight in the same manner.

"Pass me the axe, Rory." Naruto commanded and caught the giant weapon casually while TiaLudomon stuck to Naruto as a chest piece. The armament Digimon was capable of blocking Ultimate attacks while being a champion so he was better than nothing when considering armor. Forcing out so much power was only possible because of Groundramon's durable body and energy reserves, but even it had limits. Naruto was forcing it to handle power way beyond its capabilities and it wasn't even the full capability or the creature would have exploded.

With Naruto's new appearance, everyone was shocked at the power. The group backed away, leaving him with the foe. However, their eyes couldn't look away from the miracle that was taking place. Naruto had reached the power of a mega level Digimon.

'How is this possible?' It was the question on everyone's mind, because even super powers couldn't explain such a thing. His combination also made them think that Naruto might be a Digimon, more than a human. To them it looked like some kind of DNA evolution where two Digimon combined to form another powerful Digimon.

Nonetheless, the mystery could wait and the only one with the answer was fighting for their lives.

Naruto didn't hold back and attacked the monkey at full speed, reaching light speed instantly as the current body could handle such movement. The minimum requirement for the survivability was Tsunade level strength, so Groundramon surpassed that easily.

With the immense speed, Naruto slashed his opponent with giant axe that was covered by his wind chakra. The speed displayed by Naruto was beyond the capability of his foe, as the metal beast could only react to one third of that speed and it was supposed to be one of its specialties.

Without any resistance, Naruto's attack landed on the creature and caused an enormous explosion that sent the beast flying. The impact left a huge dent on the monkey and caused it some pain, some because it had full control of the pain receptors.

Naruto didn't stop attacking and kept on following up, extending the flight of the metallic beast. The torture only ended once they had gone multiple miles from the others and Naruto sent him crashing into the ground.

Following that, Naruto created a yin-yang rasenshuriken and threw it at the immobile enemy. It was Naruto's strongest attack and the explosion from the move caused the world to become black and white. It was enough to completely erase a country from the map, but it wasn't enough.

Metal Etemon was not unharmed, but he still ready to fight. The creature had damage all over the body, but it was still minor. It was within expectations, since the durability was its main feature. Metal Etemon could survive battles with mid level Mega Digimon because of its durability and it was the reason for its careless attitude.

It could easily walk through most attacks. It was the reason that Naruto required even more power or the battle would end with their death.

Naruto wasn't the only one annoyed by the enemy, Metal Etemon was furious at being thrown around. His speed had been undermined and then he was treated like a ball. He had never felt so humiliated. His boss could do worse, but it was a Digimon. However, Naruto was a human and no human should ever compete with him. If others knew, his reputation would be tarnished. He could never allow the human to leave the battlefield.

"I will make this desert your grave, human!" Against his better judgment, Metal Etemon engaged with Naruto in battle.

With that declaration, the metal beast controlled the metallic sand to cover him up to block Naruto's attacks. Following that, he created a dome around them to limit Naruto's movements and attacked with metallic needles.

Naruto didn't allow it to happen and left from the range of the dome before it finished. It would have been moronic to stay inside where even his speed would be unable to save him from the attack, since there will be no space between attacks top dodge them.

The enemy going on the defensive was ideal for Naruto, as he could wait until his partner was finished and there wasn't much time left. It was only taking time because of the digizoid fragments or Asura would have digivolved within seconds like the rest.

Nonetheless, it had only been a minute since it started. He could wait few minutes for it to finish. To provide support, Naruto even sent more energy to help his partner complete the transformation.

Seeing Naruto dodge his move, Etemon was forced to watch as he was bombarded with another barrage of attacks. Naruto used elemental rasengans and shot them like cannonballs before following it up with another powerful move.

Focusing his energy on the axe, Naruto flew into the atmosphere before launching himself at the enemy. With speed reaching beyond light, the atmosphere around them changed and Etemon was pulled towards him while the metallic sand was disturbed.

Unable to react to the attack, Etemon found himself pushed into the planet for quite some time and enduring the axe attack. The heavy strike filled with all elemental energy to replicate the Truth Seeking Balls sent Etemon almost to the core of the Planet, if it was the same as earth and even left a large gash on the metallic body.

The move wasn't complete because Naruto had never used it without Kurama or in his new body. With some practice it would be complete, and he would be able to erase creatures like Metal Etemon without an issue.

Regardless, he had damaged the enemy and seen the limits of the defense. However, it was a onetime thing since the axe shattered because of the enormous power.

While Naruto was satisfied with the findings, the enemy was blowing his fuse and entered a berserk state. The metallic body that could easily heal any damage was having trouble healing the damage from the axe attack.

It had ruined his beautiful macho body.

"You dare to make mockery of this King! I shall have your head!" With a tone filled with craziness, Etemon attacked the group to force Naruto into blocking his attacks.

And just as expected, he was forced into it and had to push the body even more than necessary as Etemon's attack was continuous.

Naruto could feel the transformation breaking as Groundramon's body started to break apart because of the enormous load.

"Asura, I need your help. So, get our here and finish the battle." Naruto kept calm and didn't show the danger he was in while talking to Asura. He didn't want to break Asura's focus and put him in a stressed condition that could lead to explosion or corruption.

"I just need one more minute." Asura replied and stopped talking as he had to focus on finishing his evolution. He had not realized that Naruto was on the spot.

Naruto didn't tell him to hurry as it had only been four minutes since it started. Powerful evolutions could take even up to ten minutes or even an hour when there was a lot of outside interference used to modify it.

Nonetheless, Groundramon was unable to hold on and the transformation broke up. The group was once again at death's door. So, Naruto gambled once again and made sure to land closer to the enemy.

Watching and feeling Naruto lose his powers, the monkey smiled viciously as he smashed into him. Punching Naruto in the face, Etemon broke his jaw and caught him by the head before he started running. Dragging Naruto's face into the ground, Etemon shaved away Naruto's skin while the metallic sand invaded his body and broke him apart on the cellular level.

Naruto could control his pain receptors as well, but Etemon broke the control and made him feel the pain. It was just not normal pain as Etemon utilized his dark skills to increase the pain by multiples of ten, causing Naruto to scream out in agony.

The sudden pain had him scream, but Naruto bit his lips and stopped any noise from leaking. He didn't want to cause problems for the children. It was a horrifying experience to see your friend tortured and hearing their screams.

"Oh, you still have the energy to struggle. Let me help you out and open that mouth." Etemon was getting sadistic pleasure from finally getting his payback. Dropping Naruto who had lost his skin from the head and face, along with his eyes, Etemon forced open the healed jaw while piercing Naruto's abdomen with a mini drill.

It was slow and deliberate to cause immense pain. Naruto didn't give him the pleasure and cut away the sound from his body using wind.

"You know someone from the dark types might enjoy this game. But I don't have the time or taste in long term torture. This King admires your spirit, so I will end it here." Etemon muttered as he held up the barely conscious Naruto.

"Haha, I don't need your praise monkey. You have lost this battle." Naruto laughed as he spat out the blood on his face.

"Such a sore loser, I am disappointed." Metal Etemon blocked the blood with his sand and crushed Naruto.

However, Naruto exploded into smoke.

"What?" Etemon was shocked at the scene and looked towards the group.

Naruto was standing beside the new Asura, Metal Meramon. The damage was still there so Etemon had definitely beaten him up.

However, Naruto knew it would happen so he had already made preparations. He had left a clone hidden under Asura, to switch with when the evolution was completed.

The gamble had almost cost his life, but he had won.

Taking the healing serum and energy serum from Rory, he was in full power instantly. Without giving a chance for Etemon to react, he quickly combined with Hanzomon. Asura covered up Hanzomon and Naruto transformed that body into his Six Paths form again.

Metal Meramon was the name of the new evolution and it gave Asura a body made from chrome digizoid. The metal was a combination of the gold, blue, black and normal chrome digizoid, making it extremely powerful. It made Asura durable, fast, flexible, resistant and even gave him a boost in energy. To make things even worse for others, Asura had managed to adapt the nuclear reactor into the evolution. It gave Asura a huge boost in energy and allowed him to utilize nuclear power.

Asura looked like a metallic knight with red and yellow flames burning inside the core, and some flames were exposed from its head.

The powerful form became one of the rare types of Digimon that surpassed their ranks, as Asura could be compared to an Ultimate Digimon.

With his partner by his side that was filled with immense rage, Naruto took on his powerful form and didn't hesitate to finish the battle. Pulling on the energies from Hanzo and Asura, Naruto reached the power shown in the forth Ninja war against Sasuke from their last battle.

Forming the giant three headed Kurama avatar, Naruto instantly used up his ultimate move to avoid letting the enemy survive. He couldn't risk the survival or they would die for sure.

Metal Etemon was shocked by the enormous energy and gathered up all the sand to protect him, creating a very thick dome that was miles in size.

However, it was all pointless. Naruto threw the rasenshuriken with his Asura form and they arrived at their targets instantly.

The attack cut through the barrier without any resistance and carried Etemon into the atmosphere or it would have killed everyone on the battlefield.

Etemon was almost dead from just being carried by the attack and didn't even have time to scream when it exploded. He was erased instantly and the whole sky turned black and white that it could be seen from other continents.

The enormous explosion shook the world and sent shockwaves across the globe. It attracted the attention of all Mega Digimon on the continent as the attack was powerful enough to destroy the moon.

It was not Naruto's limit, but he didn't have enough energy to reach his previous prime stage. He was strong enough to destroy the whole planet with his Six Paths mode in his prime and Baryon Mode had pushed him to large planet level.

However, Baryon mode was limited and a sacrificial move so he could never utilize it again. He needed to perfect it before he used something like that, and for that goal Naruto had been studying hard to understand complex concepts. He had been experimenting and intending to solve the problems of his previous life.

He had relied too much of brute force. He needed skills that could compensate for the difference in power.

Regardless, with the death of the enemy the participants were rewarded with energy from a powerful Mega and everyone got a piece of chrome digizoid that was part of a Mega Digimon. Naruto's team only took little bit experience from the enemy as they didn't want their Digimon to evolve. On the other hand, Apemon digivolved to Gokuwmon as it had gathered enormous fighting experience and even fought against an impossible enemy. It had fulfilled the impossible conditions and got a boost from Naruto when they fused, allowing it to comfortably reach the impossible ultimate form.

Exermon also ended up evolving into Tempomon while Bulkmon evolved into Boutmon. Hanzomon also benefitted greatly and evolved to Raidenmon: Metal Gear while Groundramon didn't digivolve as Rory stopped it. She wanted it to evolve into one of the Royal Knights, Examon. So, she planned to visit the Royal Knight for a battle.

It was fruitful battle but not one that made the group happy. It had showed them the dangers of the world and brought them inches away from the doors of death. To make matters worse, they had seen their best friend and lover go through the most painful torture. It was terror in itself and not something they would ever forget. It was about to haunt their dreams for times to come.

With the end of the battle, Naruto couldn't hold it anymore and lost control of his powers. He could barely stand after abusing his body and Rika ran towards him. She held him and cried in to his chest. It was the first time he had seen her cry so much and heard so much pain in her voice.

Hearing it brought pain to his heart, so he could only kiss her and promise never to put them in a similar event. But, even he knew that it was a lie. He was Uzumaki Naruto; it was his destiny to always end up in world ending events. It was his fate to die in battle for the betterment of their world. It was the best he could think about, because of how life had dealt with him.


A.N. This is the final chapter for now and I will get back to it from the first week of June. The story has six arcs and each stage of the digimon has one arc. This is the second arc and it will finish after few chapters. The next one will have the ultimate evolution and Naruto will visit USA. The forth one is going to be really chaotic and long, it is where the Mega evolution happens and Beelzemon joins. It is a war arc.

fifth arc is the ninja world arc

Six arc involves multiple digimon worlds.