Chapter 55

The bond between the tamers and digimon was all time high, and the optimum condition had been achieved.

With the time limit finished, Naruto was ready to meet up with the new Digi-destined. He hadn't met them since the first day.

Everyone gathered at the Coliseum in Dawn City. It was a big event since both sides were very famous, especially Naruto.

Naruto walked in to the battlefield confidently with his Metal Meramon and Sealsdramon.

He had two champion digimon now so this battle should have been too easy. But, Naruto expected the kids to go crazy and they didn't disappoint.

The kids surpassed expectations.

All of them were champion.

Veedramon, Stingmon, Gatomon, Angemon, Meicoomon, Aquilamon and Ankylomon walked beside their Tamers who had a calm look on their faces.

Just like Naruto's group, the digi-destined had gone through a difficult time during their training and through that hardship they achieved great results.

"You guys are crazy." Naruto couldn't help but smile as he was happy for them and it was kind of amusing.

He wasn't worried. It would just be a challenge instead of a one sided slaughter.

"We didn't want to disappoint. So, does the great Uzumaki Naruto feel like forfeiting?" Davis stood in front of the team and talked to him. He had heard everything that had taken place and his heart burned from it.

He was happy for his friends but he felt the pressure of being under someone so powerful.

Just like they had been warned, Naruto's partner wasn't normal at all and was even more powerful than their partners.

Metal Meramon was once again a new digimon and it was one of the strongest Champion digimon.

He had all the reason to give up on fighting against Naruto, but Davis wasn't going to give up. He was going to keep the fight going until the end.

He had confidence in his partner that no matter how Naruto changed his partner; Veemon would win in the end.

"Heh, I was going to ask that from you guys. Don't you feel like giving up? Looking at the results, there is no chance for victory. Asura is too durable for your partners and none of your digimon can survive a single attack from him. I think the best decision would be to surrender now." Naruto couldn't think of victory conditions for his foes, so he advised them such since it was the best choice. It had nothing to do with cowardice, just proper warrior mindset. Not learning this lesson would mean that the tamers weren't ready and would get themselves killed during impossible battles.

"Sorry Naruto, but we are going to win this battle. You are outnumbered and Asura is quite slow, so we can just take it slow and fight the whole day." Takeru spoke up for his team and even though he liked Naruto, this was his true feeling.

Angemon was the strongest digimon in the whole team and he was a powerful support as well.

Plus, all of their digimon were special and not simple like Apemon and such. They also watched Asura and Rambo's battles in the coliseum so they knew what they were facing and planned as such.

Even Kari couldn't speak for him since she also believed that the battle was unfair. Naruto could only win if he was allowed to interfere with his powers but that wasn't allowed in this battle.

He could act as a normal Tamer. It was a digimon vs digimon battle.

"Hahaha, I like that. I like that. So, keep that attitude and come at me. I will show you the difference between us." Naruto chuckled as he waved at them and walked behind the barrier while the field changed.

The battlefield was a mountain range and the two teams were put on opposite sides, miles away from each other.




Commence Battle

Without missing a beat, the other side started with their tactics.

The Holy trio took out their card and slashed.

Symphony of the Just

With that card in play, Angemon, Meicoomon and Gatomon released a light into the battlefield that was accompanied by a serene sound that boosted the team's power while lowering the power of their foe.

Following that was another card by the other team members.

Boost Agility

It increased the speed of their digimon by a big margin which was already high for most of them and further boosted by their equipment.

Aura of Darkness

Ken used his card and Stingmon unleashed a wave of darkness from his antenna that caused mental pressure in the foe and confusion.

Dragon Force

Davis slashed his card and Veedramon unleashed a powerful roar that spread its majestic and wild aura across the battlefield, boosting its power while lowering the momentum of the enemies.

With all these boosts in place, Aquilamon and Angemon unleashed a great tornado by using their powerful wings which was further boosted by their tamers using the card.

Great Tornado

The powerful wind attack roared into existence and easily devoured up Naruto's digimon. The battlefield was a mountain range, so Naruto's digimon were on the other peak and that whole peak was covered in the attack.

Following the attack, the other team mates did their part.

Plasma Laser

Ken slashed another card and his Stingmon shot a powerful laser from his moon shooters that were usually used to shoot energy blasts.

Dragon's Breath

Davis used the card to boost his partner's natural attack, V Nova blast. Veedramon unleashed a powerful breath attack from his mouth.

Gatomon and Meicoomon worked together and brought down the heavenly lightning while Ankylomon used gravity crush that was supported by his tamer to ground the targets.

With such a tactic, it was impossible for any normal tamer to survive this single barrage of attacks that seemed to be completely synced.

However, all of the attacks failed to break through Asura. The powerful digimon used his Energy barrier to keep his team safe while Rambo started using the opportunity to shoot down the foes.

Taking aim, Rambo focused power on his anti-champion rifle. It was one of the upgrades and with the full set he was too much for any champion digimon in a single battle. He was even capable of putting resistance against a new Ultimate digimon.

However, his foes were also similarly amped with equipment and were higher quality digimon. It meant that with support from Naruto as a tamer, he would only win against one and maximum two of the other side's digimon.

Getting back to the battle, debuffs and buffs started showing their impact on the battlefield as Rambo's attack were slowed down.

The other team easily dodged the attacks and continued to harass Naruto's digimon.

Seeing the scene, Naruto was happy, "I see, you have a reason to show such confidence. I am really proud of you guys. Though, you cannot win this battle. However, I will play along for now."

With his words finished, Naruto took out his cards.

Aura of the Overlord

It was a move that was exclusive to especially powerful digimon in the Mega rank like the Royal Knights and close digimon. It caused the foes to feel enormous pressure and lowered their stats drastically. This was not a card that most new tamers could utilize but Naruto and Asura were unique. With Naruto's presence being fed into Asura because of the last battle, he was able to utilize some of the aura. As such, Asura unleashed the aura and almost caused the other side to take a knee from the sudden pressure.

Mugen Cannon

It was the attack used by Mugendramon from its giant back cannons. It was an attack from a Mega Digimon that could destroy the continent itself at full power. Applied to Rambo, he used the drones to from the cannons and shot a powerful laser attack that obliterated the other mountain peak.

Even with the powerful move, the team managed to survive because of their quick thinking and speed boosts.

Ankylomon caused the ground under them to break and the team managed to dodge the move on time while flying to safety in the forest below.

Asura unleashed a nuclear laser from his palms at the team but they managed to dodge it easily after moving out of the range of his aura.

Seeing that, Asura released flames clones from his body that looked like typical Meramon but then they changed shapes into flying dragons for speed.

Even in a battle of attrition, Asura had an enormous energy advantage so he could use his moves without any pressure.

His speed was higher than normal champion digimon, but the foes were not normal. It would have been higher than them as well, but Asura had yet to master his new body. His very existence was not completely stable and the large energy was difficult to fully control. It made him unusually heavy and made him unable to utilize speed boosts from his chakra enhancement and such.

It was where Rambo came in and allowed him to divide the burden, so that the full power could be utilized.

Hymn of Victory

"Go wild, no need to hold back." Naruto commanded as he gave them a boost of power and mindset.

With that command, Asura stopped thinking about limiting the damage to the terrain and started a rain of fireballs down into the forest while Rambo used his Gatling gun. It was a shower of powerful attacks that rained destruction upon the serene forest.

On the other hand, the foes further adjusted their tactics and upped their game.

Ankylomon, Gatomon, Meicoomon and Aquilamon used the humanoid forms which further boosted their combat abilities and stats.

Ken used the dark power card on Stingmon and Radiation blade.

Davis used the Dragon Rage card on Veedramon while Angemon got the Wings of Light Buff.

Gatomon didn't stop at the humanoid form and Kari gave her the Power of Lightning buff which covered her partner in lightning, boosting power and speed.

Ankylomon got the Power of Earth buff to strengthen his earth attacks and durability.

Aquilamon got the Power of Fire buff and with that the whole team was once again put on a new level of power.

With the immense speed boost, Gatomon dodged all the attacks with utter ease and used her claws against Asura's barrier.

Thunder Claw

With her powerful metallic claws clad in lightning, Gatomon unleashed a barrage of attacks while dodging her foes.

Stingmon and Aquilamon also started their aerial assault, unleashing powerful arrows and energy bolts at the enemy.

Ankylomon continued to give support by controlling the earth under the foes, distracting them and grounding in one place while also attacking with earth spikes.

Angemon unleashed a powerful light beams at his foes while supporting the whole team by buffing them and healing them.

Veedramon was boosted greatly by the rage and attacked with continuous energy shots from below.

Finally, it was Meicoomon that was the trump card of the team. This digimon was exceptional and dangerous.

Meicoomon carried some data from Apocalymon, meaning it had the power to erase existence. Having the foes distracted, Meicoomon sped up towards the enemies and unleashed a dark bolt from her mouth.

It easily destroyed the barrier with the power of destruction, but the foes managed to react and Asura unleashed a powerful flame burst that covered a large region.

It forced the team to retreat and made them loose the chance to take out Asura.

The ability to destroy such a powerful barrier reminded Naruto of his Truth Seeking Balls and he could finally see how the other side could win if the battle continued in the same manner.

"I see that I was wrong about you guys. You definitely have a win condition. Alas, I will have to disappoint you. Come, Darkdramon!" Naruto spoke calmly and declared with a commanding tone that caused everyone in the stadium to scream from the excitement and shock.

With his command, Asura and Rambo combined with ease now. Appearing on the battlefield like a menacing of beast of destruction, Darkdramon heralded the end of the battle and hope.

With the power in total control, the immense aura spread across the field and its mere presence caused the mountain to shatter.

Looking at the powerful digimon, the digi-destined didn't give up. They faltered but they were reminded of their previous battle. Just like Naruto, they had been in the face of death.

To fight against Naruto, the team had ventured into the dangerous grounds with their teacher and ended up facing two mega digimon along with some Ultimate digimon.

It was a situation where they had almost died but in that moment a miracle happened because of their determination and belief.

The digivice rewarded their efforts and brought into existence the victory conditions.

"You are not the only one that can do it. Team, show him what you got!" Davis yelled and gave them a boost of courage.

"DNA Digivolution!"


A.N. Hope you enjoyed