Chapter 8: Who Could Resist?

Viviana's eyes and cheeks were swollen and rose-tinted. Her throat was parched and dry, any trace of hydration had left her body via her eyes.

The ride started off silent, her two knights worriedly glancing at her time to time but could not offer any words or actions of support to the young child. Anything said felt wrong and could potentially worsen her state, and it wasn't like they could insert themselves into her situation as they were outsiders.

The Valentino Fief was in the south of the empire, the Canina Sea bordering the bottom, not including the small islands scattered nearby its shores. The capital, Aelius, was thousands and thousands of kilometers east and northern of her home, smack down in the center of the empire.

Viviana had once seen it from a map from her brother's study he had shown her the day before the Consort Candidacy Party when she had asked him how far away it was from home.

"See, mimma?" He said as he pointed on the map. "This is the capital! You'll be going there tomorrow but in two years, your big brother will be attending the Akademia after my baptism at the Temple of All!"

Viviana had happily rejoiced in the fact of being invited to the Consort Candidatacy Party, intrigued and excited to meet new people- including the crown prince himself.

What a mistake that was.

'Ah,' She began to monologue. 'If only I had remembered my past life beforehand, this entire situation wouldn't be happening...'

Although she had only regained memories from her past life, the lingering consciousness of Layla had taken leadership of Viviana's child controlled brain.

The concept of souls and reincarnation used to seem like far away notions to the 19-year-old Layla before she had died and found herself as the 4-year-old Viviana. Even the thought of alternative universes were just abstractions she had only seen from television shows had suddenly become her life and very real.

Viviana internally screamed, 'Agh! Why did this have to happen?!'

If she were alone in the carriage, she would have taken this chance to soother her screams into the red velvet cushions to relieve her of her stress.

The carriage sped off from the Valentino Manor, its the Mediterranean and Roman-like architecture finally came into full view and Viviana finally came to realize how incredible and large her home was.

'I might never see it again...' She registered, chills running up her sleeve.

The dazed and tired look on her chubby face eventually became indifference as she leaned her head on the side of the extravagant pure white walls of the carriage. She shifted her limp body against the fancy red velvet cushions and sleepily crossed her arms. She emptily stared through the window, watching as they passed by her family's plantations and fields.

Thoughts flipped through her brain: what would she do after she reaches the palace? Before she was planning of beating him up, but as the reality of the situation settled in... What was it that she could do to save herself and her family without getting them in trouble?

Bow down to his highness and beg for forgiveness in hopes that he will send her back? Break her cool and yell at him for his impulsive decision, demanding her freedom back? Play nice and try to get into his good graces, and then hope for the best outcome possible? Give him the silent treatment?

She internally groaned. The reality was that there was nothing she could do about her situation that would end in her favor.

"Lady Viviana," a low husky voice called out it her, pulling her out of her daze.

Her tired eyes opened and directed her attention to one of the knights, a fair young man with beautiful cream-colored locks that sat on his head like the waves of the ocean and refreshing but sharp celadon tinted orbs. A flawless jawline and high cheekbones, decorated with such a pretty face, you'd never expect such a low and husky voice from him.

"Would you care for some water, milady?" He asked in the softest and gentle voice he could muster.

The young girl nodded in response as her vocal cords could not gather the energy to speak up. Her throat felt sore and dry as the deserts of the Southern continents. Her kidneys aching as if it was yelling at her for crying out all of the hydration that her body needed for survival.

The sun rayed haired knight raised his right hand. Seconds later, a royal blue light began to emit on the back of his hand, revealing an odd magic sigil with what seemed to be a trident in the center with ancient writing surrounding it. Just as quickly as the light flashed, a bubble of the familiar clear liquid appeared in front of the young girl.

The blonde knight reached down towards the bottom of the seat, revealing the drawer from underneath the seat. It was there where he pulled out a silver goblet-like cup from the hidden compartment and carefully dropped the bubble of water into it. With a small kind smile, the older man handed the glass to her.

With wide eyes, the child reached out to the glass and slowly shamelessly gulped down the entire liquid.

'What in the hell? Just how did he do magic without sacrificing anything to the gods? Whose idea was it to add drawers underneath the seats of this carriage?' She pondered as the sweet taste of water ran down her esophagus and to the pits of her stomach.

It was as if she was back on earth living as Layla! Viviana would have never thought that a modern idea such as having drawers underneath the seats would appear in this world! Perhaps this world was advanced in its own little way after all.

"You didn't bleed?" She asked with a cracked voice, after recollecting her thoughts and hydration.

"Wow," the other knight praised, his voice was mellow and cherry. "Lady Viviana already knows about the Magic Exchange at this age? Amazing!"

The other knight had long sky blue stands that were tied in a low ponytail and raw honey-colored eyes, contrasting with his fair unblemished skin. His face would have been highly praised by Korean netizens; a slender v-shaped jawline and a straight but soft nose. Despite his broad shoulders and tall figure, he emitted a friendly and nurturing vibe.

Viviana's cheeks reddened at the praise.

"M-my father told me but I don't know much, sir..." She replied in a soft voice, realizing how rude she must've sounded when she had failed to address these men as both elders and knights. She didn't even curtsy at their first meeting!

The blue-haired knight's orbs began to sparkle like the fireflies in the dusk.

"Perhaps your father told about the process of 'The Baptism' and 'The Branding,' as well, my lady?"

"No, but I think I heard my brother speaking about those before, sir..."

The young girl shook her head and shut her eyes and tried to resurface her deepest memories of her past life.

She leaned forward and planted elbows on her thighs, her head weighing in the palms of her hands.

Surely, there was something of use she could remember besides what Vincenzo told her...

Then, as if lightning struck her small skull and electrified in her very veins, a memory appeared.

"When children have reached the age of 12, they go to the Temple of All to have their baptism where the Gods bestow their blessings upon them." The 5-year-old recalled.

How else would the story of «Chamber of Roses» begin?

Because all children, regardless of status, were all welcomed to be baptized inside the Temple of All to receive their blessings from the gods.

The main protagonist of «Chamber of Roses» was baptized and received the blessings of three of the most heroine goddesses ever.

Nabris was the Goddess of Insight, Hope, and Miracles. Ciana, the Goddess of Warmth and Good Fortune and Fertility. Xides, the Goddess of Truth and Knowledge.

Sara Rosaline Arden then received the Favor and Blessings of all them, giving her the powerful magic in the form of a lovely healing light.

Realizing her potential and her heritage, her dying mother sent her to her biological father, Viscount William Arden. He took her in after a single glance and when she turned 14, he immediately sent her to The Akademia, also known as 'The Garden,' the educational institution for nobles.

But because of the lack of education she had, she didn't catch up with her peers until Year 4 (the equivalent of America's 10th grade) and where the actual game of «Chamber of Roses» begins.

"But that's as far as I can remember, sir." She added bashfully, leaning back into her seat.

But what was 'The Branding?' Viviana couldn't remember. Stumped, she quietly began to play with her hands. She scolded her 12-year-old past self for not paying attention to the game's magic system as she should have.

Why on earth did 12-year-old Layla have to be so boy crazy?! Especially over boys who were 2D!

"It's okay, my lady. I'm sure that they will teach you well in the palace after they have you situated." The blue knight kindly replied. "The Branding Ceremony happens after you have completed your education at The Garden. Upon graduation, all graduating students return to The Temple of All and must return their blessings given by the Gods. By doing so, they are branded by the Gods and thus have the ability to use magic without having to draw blood physically. From on that point, the Gods will internally take your sacrifice as you have branded yourself to them."

"Huh?!" Viviana gaped, as she eyed the blond knight and the silver cup that he had gently placed in front of her. Her mouth hung open and her turquoise eyes empty of light. Her brows were high and scrunched in a horrifying matter as she remained frozen in motion. "I drunk his blood?!"

Was drinking that water even safe? Essentially she was drinking that man's blood, wasn't she?!

The two knights instantly reciprocated the look on her face like a reflection. Stutters exited from both of them, unable to think of a quick and appropriate way to explain to the young miss that that was definitely not what happened.

"T-that's not how it works, young miss," the blue knight started. "You drunk water from the God of Water, thanks to Sir Conway's blood sacrifice."

He offered her an awkward smile, his honey eyes occasionally switching from looking at her and pointing daggers at the blonde knight, now dubbed as Sir Conway, who sat in complete silence with a concerning lack of movement. He absentmindedly stared into nothingness, neither responding to either person who sat within a few feet from one another with a thin line as his lips and dead fish eyes.

"I've never thought about it like that before..." Sir Conway quietly muttered in a monotone voice.

This did not calm Viviana's worries.

'Um, what the hell?!' She wanted to scream. 'So basically we sacrifice our entire body to the Gods in order to use magic?! Are you sure all magic isn't black magic?! I can't believe that «The Chamber of Roses» had only given us rose-tinted lenses of the magic system! I don't want to live in this world anymore! Someone please come and get me!'

If she remembered correctly, the game had only covered Sara's year 4 at The Garden and ended at the start of year 5, excluding the epilogue that vaguely showed the players the main characters their future. She suddenly recalled a small detail: The Branding was vaguely introduced if you followed the senior capture targets- Athanasius and Eric.

But how was she supposed to remember everything about a game she played when she was a child? It's only been two days since she's been doing this; give her a break, damn!

'Calm down, Vivi!' She scolded herself. 'Get a grip and return to reality here, you idiot and change the subject!'

She released a small chuckle, regaining the full attention of both knights.

"Oh, I see," she started. "So I did drink water. It was just that Sir Conway paid for it..."

It was as if the sun had been covered by grey clouds that hindered its' rays from entering through the window of the carriage had finally passed by; giving the trio the shimmering light it once was deprived of.

Not that that sounded any better...

Like so, the two knights' faces illuminated without a delay, Duchenne smiles flashing on their very lips and sighs of relief passing through them.

"Yes!" The blue knight exclaimed. "It is exactly like so, milady!"

Then, as if a blanket was snatched from her body, a thought swept over her.

"If it isn't too rude to ask," Viviana spoke. "Which of the Gods do you serve, sirs?"

It couldn't kill to ask, right? If anything, she should at the very least learn the magic system.

"Sir Calder and I both serve Cidia, Goddess of the Sea and Freshwater, of Change and Clarity." Sir Conway reported. "Her trident is on the Brand."

"Oh, I see."

Viviana looked over to the blue knight, now labeled Sir Calder. He reflected a bright smile at her.

But wait!

Viviana's face contoured and her brows furrowed. Why didn't her father or mother have a Brand? She couldn't recall a sigil of any sort on her father's hand earlier today when he had showed her how to use the family magic...

How could she use magic in the first place if she had not gotten her baptism yet?

Something wasn't adding up... Viviana was sure that Sara and presumably every other child was only able to use magic after their baptism.


Chills ran down the back of her neck as the peach fuzz on her skin raised and her heart began to still.

Viviana tried her best to think logically in this small moment; it had to due with something about her family not particularly "normal" noble family, right? It had to be some mafia family trade secret...

But that must mean that Vincenzo could use the family magic as well.

But maybe, sigils aren't always branded on the back of everyone's hands. Perhaps her father did have a Brand, considering that he was an Akademia Alumni, but it was just on another part of his body that wasn't visible.

Confused and exhausted, she deeply inhaled and exhaled. Thinking was too much to handle at the moment, it would have just been better if she had the ability to shut herself down until tomorrow morning.

The latter thought really did relive her of some stress and leave her with some hope; there just had to be a logical explanation as to why she didn't see her father's brand.

The thought of protecting a shady and dubious mafia family despite giving her such a deep and immense love gave her an intense migraine and a heavy heart that nearly dropped out her ass.

The feelings of love and fear were on opposite spectrums but began to collide and crash within one another, leaving no resolution and only conflict.

She loved her family. How could she not? But she was also afraid of their wrongdoings and the consequences that loomed behind them.

Anxiety bubbled in her veins and her heart began to shake violently at just thinking about all the things that could happen if they should go array.

'If there's anyone out there listening,' she silently prayed. 'I beg of you: please protect my family and I from both harm and ruin...'

Then, out of the blue, butterflies began to flutter from her intestines to her throat. Her body felt light and weightless. Her tiny back suddenly fell onto the cushions of the carriage like it was pushed lightly by an unseen force, and yet when she looked over to the two knights; they were unfazed as Neptune's Brand glowed upon the dorsum of their ungloved right hands.

Was... Was the carriage picking up in speed?

She peeked over to the window, watching as swirls of ocean blue lights emitted from the carriage.

The scenery became blurs, outshined by the lights as they changed forms from lines to strong wild mustangs that rode alongside crashing ocean waves that swept away the carriage at an alarming speed.

Viviana's breath was taken away by the sight, her turquoise eyes wide and gleaming.

There was more to magic than she had originally seen. There was so much to see and learn from, she immediately began to ponder all the infinite possibilities of the extent of magic could do.

Noticing the look on their young mistress's face, Sir Conway gently pulled himself towards her.

"Lady Viviana, are you enjoying the show?" He asked.

The young girl excitedly nodded in response, not even bothering to turn and look at the blonde knight.

It was as if she were watching a Studio Ghibli film, particularly Ponyo. The scene where she chased after Sousuke and his mother in their car, riding waves that took the shapes of giant fish vividly played within the depths of her mind as she continued to watch the magical horses.

She was enchanted.


Before she had realized it, the magical waves and mustangs faded into thin air and the carriage came to a full stop.

How much time has passed by? She pondered. She must've watched the knights' magic for the entire last half of the trip.

Only then did she realize that the blurs in the back had become clear.

Viviana let a sigh release from her lips as she closed her eyes and turned her attention to the two knights.

It was time to face the music.

"We've arrived, Lady Viviana." Sir Conway announced.

A tug of melancholy suddenly resonated in the young child's heart.

They were after all kind and caring towards her. Maybe the imperial palace wasn't such a bad place if they hired guards like Sir Conway and Sir Calder. Perhaps there was a way to turn this situation into a positive... At least for now.

And so, Viviana opened her mouth.

"I know that we've been in each other's presence for a short time now and perhaps I may have come off as rude," she started, the heat beginning to rise to her cheeks. "And I must apologize... It's just that today has awfully been a long day for me and it has taken a great toll on me tonight. If it isn't too late to ask, can-may I have the honor of knowing your full names, sirs?"

The heat became overbearing in the last moments of her speech, the mistakes she had made replaying in her mind.

'How humiliating!' She screeched internally. 'Why do I do this to myself... Should have kept my dumb mouth shut!'

With a stunned gaze, the two knights looked at each other for a moment before exchanging smiles and light chuckles.

"Do not take it to heart, milady," the blonde started. "I am Sir Arlyn Elias Conway."

"We both understand the situation you are in, Lady Viviana. There is no need to apologize for your behavior," the blue-haired knight added. "I am Sir Irving Aiolos Calder."

The two adults shot her gentle smiles.

"I- " Viviana opened her mouth, unsure of what to say back to them but still wanting to converse. "Thank you, Sir Conway and Sir Calder."

The knights stepped out of the carriage before her and carefully carried her down to the limestone and marble roads of the Anemone Palace.

The palace was made of marble and gold, its architecture reminded of Viviana of Ancient Roman and Greek structures that Layla had seen through playing video games and watching movies.

There, she was greeted with a line of butlers and maids who curtsied and bowed upon her arrival. A single butler rose from his position and confidently walked towards her small figure.

He was slender and tall, his pale complexion glistening in the dying sunlight. A straight nose with a slender and defined jawline, with high cheekbones to match. Full and pink stained lips, he rivaled a Bratz doll. He had beautiful silky black hair that was neatly tied into a low ponytail, baby hairs gracing the frames of his forehead. Despite his bewitching appearance, his eyes were dark and held a stern and observant gaze behind his silver-rimmed glasses.

The two men she had ridden here with were certainly very handsome, but this man was absolutely gorgeous!

At her first glance, Viviana felt the sun's rays flashing into her very sensitive and swollen eyes as they laid upon this man. It was as if the Gods were rewarding her sacrifice with this gorgeous man.

Heat rose up to her cheeks; perhaps all this emotional burdening was worth it.

"Greetings and blessings to The Rose of Adonis," he politely greeted. "I am Markus Eliades, the head butler of the Anemone Palace."

His voice was calm and smooth, enough to soothe some of the pain Viviana had suffered today.

Markus offered his gloved hand to the young child, who readily took it, and guided her to the enormous marble and golden palace.

"My lady," Sir Calder called.

The girl turned one final time, looking at the two knights.

"Should you need us, simply ask around. We are stationed here at the Anemone Palace as the Crown Prince's Imperial Knights."

"We are bound to meet each other again, Lady Viviana. Take care as of now." Sir Conway added.


The sounds of their golden armor crashing onto the marble road filled the air.

Both knights kneeled before the young girl, their right hands over their hearts and their faces turned to the ground.

With their eyes sealed shut, together they recited the words, "May the goddesses Amera and Ciana send their blessings to the Rose of Adonis."

The three of them bidding each other adieu, a bow and a curtsy to one another, and went their ways.

Viviana followed Markus to the entrance of the Anemone Palace, walking through the two fences of servants on their left and right sides.

"As much as I would have preferred to show milady her room and a full tour, his royal highness is impatiently waiting to dig into his supper," Markus spoke as the doors of the palace were pushed open by palace guards, dressed in a similar fashion of Sir Calder and Sir Conway.

The young girl nodded and hummed in acknowledgment, her eyes focused on her surroundings. However, it wasn't long until her eyes began to burn.

'Ah!' She internally screamed. 'My eyes!'

The palace was dazzling. Towering sphere-d ceilings adorned with paintings of cherubs and gods, as if they were watching over the palace; tall arched windows that were occasionally stained with mosaics of anemones and portraits of the gods and legendary heroes; walls decorated with pure gold floral and solar patterned panels, with occasional gems embedded into them; glittering chandeliers of gold with dangling glass and jewels; and unsurprisingly golden caramel Versailles parquet tiled floors.

How anyone could walk, work, or live in this palace without losing their eyesight was a complete mystery. A wonder of this world.

"Milady, we have reached the dining room." Markus presented, stopping in his tracks.

Distracted from the scenery and the pounding in her chest, the young girl failed to hear the butler's words nor sensed his paused movements and bumped into him. A small "oof" was released from her lips as she bounced off the man.

Upon realizing her mistake, she began to sputter, "My- my apologies, sir!"

Anxiety flooded her veins.

What was her plan again? Be mean to the prince and have her family executed like an idiot? What on earth was she thinking hours ago when she provoked the sleeping tiger?

"Heed no mind, milady." He shot her a warm and forgiving glance as his gloved hand gently knocked on the white double doors of the dining room before turning the golden handles. "And please, call me Markus."

The young girl let a smile of relief escape the corners of her lips at the older man and muttered a small word of thanks.

"Greetings and blessings to the sun of Asor-Canina." Markus announced as he pushed open the doors. "Your Consort Rose, Lady Viviana Valentino, has arrived, my lord."

The smell of a savory dinner entered her nostrils and as much as she was hungry, she couldn't stomach eating together with the bratty prince.

Viviana picked up the sides of her lavender dress and did her obligatory curtsy, repeating the imperial greeting as she did. Regardless of her actions, the child mentally gritted her teeth and prayed to the gods that Athanasius didn't notice her weakening strength in her legs. She knew for a fact he would point it out with a nasty sneer.

"Come sit, my darling," Athanasius's youthful voice filled the air. "You look enchanting, love. Is it the reason you've kept me starving this entire time?"

Viviana raised her head to face the crown prince with an nonthreatening smile. The hidden daggers in her turquoise eyes said different, however.

The prince sat quietly, observing his partner with a knowing smirk and glittering crimson eyes, unbothered and rejoicing in his victory.

He didn't bother to change either, still in his navy blue three pieced suit he wore earlier.

She was forced to change to impress him and yet he showed up wearing the same thing!

'This damn brat!' She cursed as Markus led the girl to the opposite end of the unnecessary long dining table and seated her.

Be nice to whom again?! The fear and nervousness she had only felt secinds ago vanished into thin air.

On her plate were three slices of lamb decorated with Italian parsley and herbs and marinated with olive oil, lemon juice, green onion, anchovy paste, tarragon, and pepper. It sat prettily above the parmesan polenta served with it.

Her mouth salivated and her stomach ached, but she would take her first bite as her victory.

"My apologies, my dear." She replied sickly sweet voice. "It must've been hard for his majesty, to be injured and starved in the same day. It must've been so hard that my poor sweet darling couldn't change his attire to have dinner with me..."

At least she has something over him.

"Oh my! I see now," she continued. "When I play tea time with the dolls my Uncle Callie gifted me, I always help them by feeding them myself! Would your majesty has been so unwell that he'd prefer it if I did the same to him as well?"

She watched as the boy visibly twitched at her words, his jaw tightening and his smile straining. She relished at the sight of him as she took notice of his reddening cheeks and his brows drawing close together.

Oh, the advantages of being a child! The younger one at that!

Viviana maniacally laughed inwardly.

The butler reached into his pocket and pulled out a large cotton napkin and spread it on the lap of the young girl.

"Well, if it makes you all the more comfortable, perhaps I ought to take up on your offer."

The grin that Viviana had so proudly wore nearly faltered.

If you listened closely enough, you could heat sparks in the air, signaling that a staring contest had commenced.

"If my prince wishes it, then so be it."

Viviana gently called out to Markus and in a sweet voice, she kindly asked the older man to move her seat and plate for her.

The children heeded the butler nothing but the growing tension between them as he complied with the children's wishes.

Within seconds, he ever so carefully picked the young girl from her seat and moved it near the blonde prince, before reseating her and grabbing her plate and utensils.

"Thank you, Markus," Viviana muttered.

With a soft smile, he greeted the two children with their respective imperial goodbyes and left them to their own devices.

With the silver fork and knife in her hands, Viviana dug into his meal, eyes refusing to break away from Athanasius's.

"No worries, my love," she sang. "Although my papa always cuts up my steaks and lamb for me, he also says that I'm a fast learner, so I am more than capable of feeding you!"

A shit-eating-grin pulled on her lips as she brought the bite-sized lamb and parmesan polenta to his lips.

Athanasius's jaw tightened for a second before he reluctantly opened his mouth. His crimson eyes were glazed with anger, embarrassment, and humiliation.

His lack of verbal response was a little... Satisfying.

And with her victory in mind, she happily fed him like the child he was.

"Wow, I've always wondered what having a baby brother would be like. I'm glad to see that his highness has given me the honors of experiencing what it must be like!"


The sound of the teeth of the crown prince crushing against the silver fork and locking it in his mouth filled in his lack of speech.

"Now, now, my sweet baby," she tugged on the fork. "There's no need to be stubborn."

Crimson orbs burned through her skull, as if looks could kill. However, the gods had blessed the nation's beloved prince with a cherub face that only seemed to add fuel to the fire.

Pouting lips with childish chubby rosy cheeks, glaring big ruby eyes with long thick platinum lashes, framed by matching strands that curled in at its ends.

Who could resist?

Viviana internally chuckled with an intense mania at the idea of Athanasius's face filled with tearful and desperate expressions.

'That's what you get for getting me killed in the game, you little bastard!'



Lmaoooooooooo why did I ghost y'all even though I said that I would try to update more frequently, I- 💀💀🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

I am boo da fool. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

I actually had this in my drafts for the entire summer and didnt finish and wrap it up until NOW 💀💀🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Am I a clown?

Yes 🤡

Did I go see Joker?

Yes 🤡

Did I like it?

Yes 😳🤡

Was I playing sims instead of updating?

yeh 🤧🤧🤧 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡