
"Why do you all do this to me ? Why don't care about my opinion ? Why can't I live my life like I want to ? Why ! Why!" Bella shouted at the peoples standing in front of her as tears roll down from her eyes . Why can't she live a life like a normal girl . Why does she always have sacrifice . Why does her family not asked opinion ? Why can't they be satisfied with her .

From childhood onwards to this day she had always been doing what her family wants her to do . But now they are asking to marry someone because her family business need investment . And she will be exchanged for the investment . Why does her family have to treat like that . They wants her to be a trade .

" Shut up , brat . " A slap landed on her face with the words . The slap was so hard she fell on the floor. It was her grandmother . She had slapped her because she didn't agree with the arrangements . It was not the first time that she is being beaten by her family . But it was the first time she didn't agree with them .

" Lock her in her room don't let her come out till the wedding . And if she don't agree with the wedding , don't let her eat or drink anything till the wedding. Just let her leave like that " Her grandmother ordered the servant of the house .

"But madam , It's a week away for the wedding" , a woman servant speak but before she could say anymore she feel the chill down her spine .

" It is none of your business ", her father said .

"Just do what is said to you " her mother said.

Yes her own mother . Everyone thinks a mother is someone who cares about their child and support them . And fight for them to the whole world . But not every mother is like that as all glitters are not gold . Her mother didn't even care about her from the day she was born . As if she was air to her . She was always deprived of love she needs to get from her . If it wasn't for her aunt she would always be deprived of it .

When she was small her mother would beat till death . Whenever she was angry she would beat her till death even if she was not wrong . She was always tried to get her attention or to satisfy her but all she get back was beating from her.

As if it was not enough her father would always tortured her . If she made a slightest mistake she was not allowed to eat or drink anything until her father was cool down . It sometimes for many days until she gets hospitalized . Because of this , she always had malnourished body .

Her grandmother was someone nothing less than a devil . She has to follow she wants her to do . Even if she don't want to . To make her perfect in everything she was pressurized to practice for continuous hours without breaks or sleep . Sometimes for a whole day without a break or sleep .

"Just do it , sis . It's just a marriage " her small brother who was the little prince of the family finally spoke , who was busy playing in his mobile .

" Oh my Harry is so intelligent ." Her mother said as he was her favorite child , getting all her attention as if he was the only child of the family .

" Yes , Harry is getting more intelligent " , her grandmother looked at her grandson with a smile on her face . Nothing like the woman few seconds before .

"And looked at you brat . You can't even do a little sacrifice for the family ." Her mother looked Bella who was on floor with a disgust .

" Take her to her room " Her grandmother ordered the maids .