Can't they think about her?

She went back to her house and went inside the room locking the door. She sat down on the floor even though she wanted to, she could never fight with others. She still remembers what happened to her when she stood up for rights she just got beaten to death by her family.

She still remembers what happened to her when she was seven years old. She loved a toy she had but Harry asked for it and she denied to give it to him. He took it forcefully from her and when she tried to take it back. Her mother pushed her away because of which she got hurt in her brain that she was taken to hospital and also had an operation and after leaving the hospital. Her mother was not at all guilty for what she did but opposite to it she just beat her to death. And also kept her inside the room without letting her have food and water until her aunt came to her house and took her out of it.

She has more memory like that, which had made her childhood traumatized enough. She can never fight back no matter what happens to her. Since she had to live like that she can't do anything to it anymore. She will accept what happens even if it's wrong other than that there is no way she can survive.

Just then her family came back, her father shouted her name. Hearing him calling she went down. The first thing he did to her was giving a tight slap on her face hard enough to make her bleed. She looked at her father, she didn't know what she did to get that slap.

Her father shouted at her how she can look at him as if she didn't do anything wrong. Kneel down until she accepts her mistake. She kneeled down but she asked her father what she did wrong.

Her grandmother was disgusted by her look and she replied who can be so shameless to ask them, did she not push Crystal to the floor. If her family knows what you did, they will leave her like that and Crystal is also her husband's friend no matter what's going on between them. How can she do it to his friend?

Tears flowed down her eyes, as they said they already knew what was going between them and they still wanted her to marry him. Can't think a bit about her also? Was she really that burdensome to them that they are happy to send her away like that.

Just then the main door was opened, everyone looked towards it. It was none other than Jack. He went towards her. Seeing him come her family started to greet him nicely. He ignored everyone and went to Bella and asked her if she was okay and helped her to get up.

She didn't say anything to him and got up. Her parents tried to explain that they are just trying to discipline for her own good. Hearing that Jack became furious how can they make her kneel down. But he replied calmly that no matter what she does, he doesn't care. If she wants to destroy everything she can do it because she was his wife and he will always support her no matter what she does. Hearing that her father tried to explain but he just pulled him close to her and asked her to talk to her. Hearing that, her father didn't know what to reply to him. He can't say no since he was ready to invest in their business only because of her if he doesn't allow then they can get into a problem but what if she says something to him that can displease him he will immediately cancel this marriage.

He said yes at last though he was not that confident. He can't say anything to him and he didn't believe that at Bella.

Jack took her out and make her sit on the seat