2 days after the last log...
I was stuck in that damn brig that was for certain it had been 2 days and I had still not figured out how to get out However as the days passed I learned more about the Somalian crew and the tanker ship that we were held on Mr Gloybraith had finally woke up from his coma and using his god like geographical skills knew we were exactly 25 miles from land and heading to Somalia at a speed of 10 knots we would reach land in a relatively small amount of time however how would we escape then as the Somalian military would be ready to help the pirates enslave us. We had to escape before we reached land! "Crikey" shouted Mr Gloybraith as he saw the Somalian's come down into the brig they were carrying a substance of some kind and they dabbed it on their filthy cloths that they wore. It was chloroform the grabbed us by the shirts and smothered the cloth across our faces to force us to inhale the vapours we soon fell into a sleep and would be forced into the prison camp.
it had been a few days since we got to the camp I finally got them to let me use my log book. they have been forcing us to do labour and there are many guards posted around the camp making escape almost impossible. However I had to get out I waited for the right moment to get a team together for an escape there was Mr Tom, Mr Stark And Mr Bathtub we all talked and they asked how we all got here everyone shared until it was my turn I said " I used to be part of a gang but that was a while back I was hunting for HMS Hood and the Somalians got me" they were surprised by my tale and became sentimentally inspired by it. So we began to plan the escape we thought about climbing the fence but there were guards with mini guns so we couldn't we thought about going out in the lumber trucks but they were heavily checked before going then I remember the great film called The Great Escape and was like why don't we tunnel out so we decided that was our best option. Mr Tom was tasked with getting plastic spoons for digging Mr Stark stood guard and Mr Bathtub got wood to stop the tunnel collapsing in on itself. Progress was going well until a heatwave came which made everyone thirsty and need some lemon and water shalala anyway after this 5 hour break the heat had dissipated and we began digging again we would soon be out of the camp but we had to be far enough out to not be spotted when we climbed out the tunnel. After a few more hours of digging we had made it far enough but suddenly We hit a tripwire while digging it was now or never so We got moving quickly through the tunnel. We could hear the muffled voices of guards trailing behind us and soon they would catch up and stop our escape. Finally after what felt like an eternity we got to the tunnel opening and climbed out the guards were close behind so we pulled wood out the tunnel to destabilise it and the guards were blocked from following us. Soon alarms started sounding and dogs were chasing us to stop our escape I got in a motorcycle and drove away Mr Tom took a boat ,Mr Stark ran but got caught and Mr Bathtub hid in an Bathtub and got away Mr Tom was able to dash away cunningly in his boat. I drove my motorcycle to the boarder of Somalia with Kenya so I could drive to Uganda and get another ship. A intense James Bond style chase occurred many military vehicles with guns chased me trying to shoot out my tires however I managed to escape by going through a forest however I still had to get past the boarder I jumped over the first barbed wire fence then the next one more and I would be over. Suddenly 5 tanks arrived and started shooting I swerved back and forth to avoid the shots and barely made it away with my life and I now headed to Uganda to get a new ship.