Chapter 147: Is this some kind of new prank?

Theo managed to forge another 75 spears, swords and Katanas in total. After that, he sat on the floor in the lotus position to stabilize and better understand his new state, especially trying to understand the "Royal Lineage" and it's implications.

"Umm… what's going on?" Yuki woke up early that day. When she arrived at the Workshop to see how Theo was doing, she felt a strong urge to kneel before him.

It was as if she was close to her "King" for whom she had the highest respect. She couldn't understand why she felt this compulsion.

Even though she fought this invisible force that was trying to make her kneel and 'worship' toward Theo, she eventually gave in a while later and knelt before Theo's presence.

"What is this golden aura? Why is this happening?" Yuki wondered, both confused and surprised.