Chapter 212: Going out on a date with Ariana - Part 2

In a deep and deep voice, Theo said, "Ariana, get upon my back. Where we go is a little far, go faster if I carry you."

Ariana was stunned by what she was seeing. Listening to what Theo said, she couldn't help but be surprised once again.

She took two deep breaths, then asked, "Can I do that?"

"Yeah, you don't have to be shy." Theo laughed.

"Who....'s being shy?" Ariana snorted but laughed right away.

She jumped high and landed on Theo. She felt amazing, riding Theo. She could see things much wider and farther away. As well as many animals and monsters nearby running away in fear.

"Hold on tight!" Theo said.

"Okay." Ariana nodded, holding on tight.

Without delay, Theo started running. Their speed was astonishing; in a matter of seconds, they had already traveled miles away. Due to the extreme speed, they were running, some weaker animals and monsters died only by the pressure of the wind current that was being generated.