Chapter 228: It is not fair. Daddy, bully!

In the living room. There was a huge 70-inch TV. The couch was almost 20 feet away from the TV. Connected to it was a beautiful black notebook, which seemed to be very expensive. In a notebook file folder, he had a unique folder with content from movies and series that Theo got through his old-world system.

As it was separated by genre, it was easy to find the movies and series that the girls might like. Although, the girls have never had the opportunity to watch much. They had seen some movies before with Theo and they were delighted since then, their curiosity and desire to see more was instigated, but as they didn't have much time to just relax before, they didn't have time to watch.

But now... not even the beings of the Spiritual Kingdom can easily cause chaos in this city. Because of that, they could relax a little bit now, right? Besides, Theo had already planned to earn even more points. He got a lot of information from Rosario, including about Little Yui...