Chapter 256: Forming a contract with the female red dragon part 1.

{Edited By: Loki}

Theo took a long sigh and asked, "Can you tell me who put up the bounty on me?"

Kauana answered on her cell phone in a tone of concern: "Yes... it came from the Dragon Clan... they are very powerful! So, you'd better be very careful."

"As I suspected." He thought.

"Thanks for letting me know," Theo said thank you. He didn't expect that in a situation like this, she would warn him. Moreover, she knew him and could well sell the information she had about him, but apparently, she was not taken to greed and still came to warn him of the imminent danger.

"Don't worry about it." She said in a kind tone, "We've met before, and we're practically business partners."

Theo laughed, "You're right. Next time you go buy more guns from me; I'll give you 20% off."

"Oh, I will accept your generosity." She laughed across the line.