Chapter 280: Theo’s group versus General Miller And his soldiers – Part 4

Yuki looked at Mizuki, understanding why she asked this question, she replies: "Yes, both are very strong, even fighting individually."

"Hmm." Mizuki put a lock of her silver hair behind her ear awkwardly: "Sorry to bother you when you're fighting, I just can't help worrying..."

Yuki smiled: "You don't have to apologize. Now that we are in formation, no attack can seriously hurt us, of course only me and Theo know that and now Mizuki too, so... Shh!"

"Ohh!" Mizuki understood what she meant, and smiled in relief.

It seems that she was still underestimating how much the girls around him were being protected by him.

Meanwhile, Shina finally decided to use a weapon to attack. She removed a 50 x 15 cm cutlass from her storage ring. The blade glowed sky blue in Shina's left hand.