Chapter 319: Status of girls.

Mei Zong: "..."

Letting out a sigh and although she got a blushed feeling through her cheeks, Mei Zong asked: "You are kidding, right?"

"Hehe. Well, yes." Theo argued with a chuckle as he weakly smiled at her: "Well, maybe you saw a video of me on the internet."

"Video on the internet?" Mei Zong asked with interest: "What type of video are you talking about? I don't remember seeing you in any kind of content, though my memory has a very particular capability to recall..."

Removing the cell phone from his storage ring, Theo handed it to her with the video playing.

"Oh! I think I'm remembering it now!" Mei Zong was impressed by his singing voice, but she didn't quite remember seeing the video directly. 'Maybe I saw it at a glance...'

"Here, you can take it back." Mei Zong handed him the phone and Theo put it back in the storage ring.