Chapter 443: How powerful is Waru?

"I did it, finally," Theo murmured and realized that he had somehow expelled some impurity through his pores.


Theo enveloped himself in soap bubbles and then dried himself with a hot wind. The process left him feeling refreshed.

'When I use on those who are in the Monarch Spiritual Realm, I think I will have to share the energy essence with the girls. If not, it could be risky.' Theo saw the effect that some cultivators who were in the Spiritual Realm made it overflow with spiritual mana. If he had to deal with even denser mana, it would be difficult for him to stabilize.

'I could also wait until I arrive at the Monarch Spiritual Realm,' Theo said mentally.

While thinking about these things, Theo was surrounded by the people he loved most in this world. He looked at them with great love and affection. Hugging the cute Little Yui, he also motioned for Little Emma, the daughter he adopted, to come over and hug him as well.