Chapter 468: Divine Heavenly Tribulation - Earth.

Theo's body was getting hot. He felt that his affinity for fire was about to break another level. With a low shout, a pillar of golden flame formed and then was swallowed by Theo's body. It was then that a holographic screen appeared in front of him.

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[Heavenly Fire Level reached level 8.]

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'It didn't increase my lineage cells...' Theo sighed and didn't want to think about it now. He focused on going through the next stage of the Heavenly Divine Tribulation.

In the air in front of Theo, a mass of energy formed and continued to grow. From the mass of energy, a gray-colored aura appeared, and it continued to grow more and more...

'Now what will it be?' Theo was a little curious.

As it got bigger, the energy-mass started to take shape. Hairy feet and arms came out of the energy-mass ball, then a gray gorilla head formed and the gray gorilla roared.