Chapter 560: Law of the Parallel Universe

Of course, in the illusions, he didn't change his appearance as he became more mature. Helena almost went crazy when she saw the current Theo. Although she had already been attracted to him the first time she saw him, seeing him like this made her crazy with desire for him.

Isis saw this and scoffed internally; even though she offered herself to Theo, it was hard to say if Theo would accept her. After all, there are many women currently around Theo, and they don't lose out on looks with Helena.

But as always, Isis laughed internally and said nothing, she just wanted to stay and enjoy the excellent show.

"He looks so handsome!" Helena said out loud as she bit her thumb to control her anxiety. The other men died of envy and even thought that Helena was more beautiful and seductive than before. She seems to have had some changes that made her more charming and attractive.

This made the possessive hearts of many male Divine Beings jealous and angry at Theo.