Chapter 618: Who's the Sexiest? – Part 1 (R18)

When Theo returned, the children had already gone to bed.

Instead of going to his room, he went to Mizuki's room where he felt the presence of Ariana, Shina, and Yuki.

"Theo, you're finally back!" Ariana grinned widely, "I and the girls want you to judge who looks sexier."

She was quick to get very close to him and peck his lips and smile lasciviously.

In the bedroom, he saw the girls on the bed sitting in just their bras and panties. It was a picturesque sight.

"That sounds like a no-win proposal. What do I get out of it?" Theo arched his brow, but was already determined to do so, there was no way he was going to leave now seeing his beautiful wives together half-naked.

"What's in it for you?" she asks in disbelief as she punches me in the arm. "You'll be watching us half-naked while you decide who's the sexiest."

"Good point." Theo pinched her cheek lovingly.